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  the second fic idea, this one is a little different.  This will be a bit of a slow build story, small changes piling up one after another until we get to the actual crossover, which can go either way up to that point wiht only one noticable difference which will be seen below.

Harry Potter/ Sailor Moon or Highschool DxD: Of Wands and Fukus, or Demons and Magic Mixing


Harry and Hermione keep in touch by telephone summer of second year and have a momentous discussion about the nature of the wizarding world. Harry has done a lot of research, and has decided that he really doesn't like it, and has had enough of the Dursleys. Nothing much else happens except for the two of them beginning to study up on their own - have a lot of time to do it in since history is a joke, and they did a lot of work for the other classes over the summer though the practical eldues them since they can’t practice magic away from school.

In year three Harry and Hermione start to distance themselves from Ron realizing he isn’t really growing up with them, and unhappy with the way he puts them down for taking their studies interesting. Harry signs up last minute for runes and arithmancy as well as care.  Eventually they save Sirius as per canon, however after seeing DUmbldore do nothing for him and Snape’s ongoing anti-Potter campaign, they both decide they're done with Hogwarts and Wizarding England. Up to this point could take a single chapter of 40,000 length maybe? Limiting myself and not getting sidetracked or going into too much detail would be challenge for me here.

Instead of Harry going home with the Dursleys, he goes home with Grangers, and they and Sirius leave the country that very day. Instead of staying in Europe however at Sirius’ suggestion they head to Japan, which is highly magical, but not part of the ICW due to some bad blood from before Grindlewald. They quickly request citizenship, and after a series of tests are now Japanese citizens, making any act against them an act of war. This would be another chapter of 20,000 words at most. 

They find out they have to go to school like normal as well as taking magic courses so as to fit in with both the magical and nonmagical worlds. Hermione is over the moon, and at her insistence they cram so they can enter freshman year and enter the chosen school.

Here is where it could become either a crossover for SM or Highschool DxD. They can either go to Juuban or Kuoh.

For SM, Sailor Venus knows about wizards from England, and has heard the boy-who-lived legends. She is a total fan girl, which is rather amusing too all concerned save Harry. Hermione immediately befriends Ami while Harry does the same over cooking with Makoto and Usagi: one loves to cook, the other to eat. 

The SM timeline would be set just after Venus joins the party, so the Brits would be there for all their later adventures.

Harem would be: Harry/Usagi/Makoto and Ami/Hermione/possibly Rei. Setsuna would become friends with benefits with Sirius. Before anyone asks, no I would not put Harry with Hermione. If they are not together by this point in the story, a section of the story I would allow to write itself, then they won’t be together, and none of the men in SM are good enough for Ami, let alone Hermione. And frankly, while it might have just been the nature of the manga at the time, the only time I read through SM (my girlfriend at the time loved it, don’t judge me!) but I got the impression Rei was just as interested in Usagi as they were both interested in Tuxpedo.

And on that note, THERE WILL BE KAMEN BASHING!!! Honestly, he is almost the most useless male lead in any anime. And boy is that saying something.  There is also, like Ranma says in my One Piece/Ranma cross, a bad word for college students going out with barely sixteen year old girls… 

Of course there are a lot of questions I will need to answer once we get to that point: how does magic effect negaverse creatures, how should I deal with Hotaru and her ‘father’, what about the Outers entirely? I would like this to be a comedy, and not a parody, but that is a thin line to walk in the SM universe. One thing is clear however, the whole Crystal Tokyo bullcrap will not happen!!!

For Highshool DxD the basic premise would be the same except for a slight added caveat: Dumbledore arranged a marriage for Harry to Ginny, as his magical guardian, and was doing the same for a lot of the muggleborn, abusing his position as their de-facto Magical Guardian. Hermione had a contract waiting for her at sixteen too, a fact that causes her to nearly blow up Gringots. After making this publicly known, the duo leave the country with a few watchers hot on their heels. 

After getting their new citizenship done, Harry and Hermione would enter Kuoh as new freshmen along with the first lot of male students. Harry, the handsome foreigner with the magnificent eyes becomes known as the Emerald-Eyed Prince to his dismay and Hermione’s amusement. Thoroughly disgusted by the Pervert Trio Harry takes to pranking them. That plus his self-effacing nature and intelligence means he quickly becomes friends with most of the school along with Hermione. She in turn is happy she is making friends because of her intelligence, which has always been something that set her apart before.

Rias and Sona know there is something odd about the duo but can't tell what. Wizard type Magic and demons/angels have only mixed a few times, with disastrous results all around.  But the forigenrs are friendly, so Rias and Sona get along with both of them, though Sona prefers rule abiding Hermione to prankster Harry, who is flourishing under Sirius's influence. He just wishes Sirius would stop bringing home a different lady each night. “Honestly Sirius, I’ve heard of negotiable virtue but you’re giving it away!”

“Making up for lost time pup, making up for lost time!”

“Speaking of puppies I hope you…” that would be a fun conversation/running gag. Especially if he brings home a Fallen or Devil girl. Heh, or even a angel who just thinks he’s being friendly and has no idea he’s trying to seduce her until Harry comes in and rescues her.

Harry and Hermione are still taking classes for magic via online schooling (and oh yes, Hermione would be over the moon with the Tech/magic overlay) and eventually learn to feel out magic around them. Doing so they discover what is going on just in time to rescue Issei from death. 

Because of this they become even better friends with Rias - she always felt bad about her backup plan of reviving him as a devil without his permission. But this lets Sona swoop in and pick up Issei as he is considering his options. 

Rias comes clean about her plight after hearing what Harry and Hermione dealt with ran from and they agree to help her. Harry beats on Riser in a one on one duel - magic can offset out many demonic powers, including regeneration, so beats him handily.  

Possibly Harry could also find he has a distant relative - Lily wasn't actually a Evans - her mother had a bit of a dream with an incubus. She became a succubus, and Harry is a quarter - helps with regeneration of his magical core, other benefits.

Other enemies come around at times, and Harry and Hermione deal with it with their new friends including when their old life shows up again. Which in this tale it would, whereas in the other I would only show Dumbledore trying to get them back and failing due to the fear of war.

The pairings in this story would be: Harry/Hermione(possibly)/Rias/Akeno along with one of the fallen not certain who, possibly Kalawarner, not Raynare, seen her used far too often. Maybe might add Yubeluna for a time, or just take her away from Riser as part of Riser’s attempt to show how much contempt he feels toward Harry, and then set her up with Sirius. 

Issei would be with Sona’s group, and would be joining her peerage instead of being with Rias and her friends, because he has developed a very rational low key hatred of Harry. Who he’s paired with would be up in the air.

Again a lot of questions here, but you can see what the story would be like.


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