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And now, the moment of truth folks. The end of the patron only poll. I am ending it now so I know how to manage my time going forward.

Climbing Together obviously came in last, although it had an okay showing, coming in from 1,282.

Making Waves brought in 2,230.

And… in first place thanks to the carry over effect of 909 votes from last month, is Bhaalson Remodel boasting of a whopping 2,590 votes.

I didn’t even need to vote, which honestly makes me feel a bit better. I also noticed how many people were speaking up for Bhaalson. So I will force my Magic muse to keep to a 20-25,000 word chapter. The same will be said for Bhaalson – although that might not include the Gamer aspect. That may let me have a few days to work on something for my Ranma fans… We will see what I can do there, although it won’t be a story with a set editor beyond maaaaybe Hiryo. No way will I finish it fast enough to get it out anyone else.