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Hello everybody, sorry this is two days later than I wanted. Been dealing with headaches – like just a step below migraine level. Argh.

Anyway, as I mentioned, I have ended the Ranma Revival question. So, The Effect of A Horse and a Dragon will show up here in the Patron Only Christmas Gift Poll. If you all like it guys, time to put your votes behind it. If it wins, it will join the patron only poll rotation for now. If not, I will bring it back for voting when Horse for the Force finishes.

The choices for this poll are:

It’s been so long! The Effect of A Horse and a Dragon - Ranma X Mass Effect crossover!

Ranma, Herb and their companions head to Omega, a pit of criminal activity within the Attican Traverse. While Samara might have hoped for a quiet investigation to start with, that term has no place in the Ranma lexicon. But Herb, Samara and Usagi actually do some investigation while Ranma provides a distraction in a way only Ranma would ever try. Meanwhile Benenzia goes looking for answers on Thessia, only to run into conflict, both governmental and the violent sort… which proves to be a mistake on the attacker’s part. Trouble further ensues, and Benenzia deals with it with both aplomb and violence. Back in Omega, Ranma has made hash of several mercenary units, covering Samara’s hunt for her prey. Herb and Usagi make names for themselves in other ways, only for the queen of Omega decides enough is enough. Samara meets her daughter, Herb angers Aria, and Ranma meets the leaders of the Blood Pack, with the real loser being the space station as Aria learns on of the oldest lesson of all time: making decisions while angry is never a good idea.

How about a two for one!? Smaller chapters of Semblance of Hope - Ranma/RWBY, and King of Champions - HP/RWBY crossovers:

1. Ranma leads Team JNPR into the city, running into problems almost instantly thanks to the urban environment and the nature of the Grimm. The storm however keeps working for them as they continue the slaughter, while outside, a certain band of cutthroats are left behind by their leader. Raven Branwen teleports in only to give the idea of attacking Ranma and the others right away a big Grimm-filled city of nope for now. Realizing they are on a deadline, Ranma and his fellows forge on, then Ranma decided to see if the Grimm feel anger, creating a makeshift landing zone for the follow-on teams. Several land and the cleansing really begins, live on TV, much to the chagrin of many. Meanwhile, unseen through the rain and storm, the Grimm are coming...

2. Life on the Beacon campus continues to move forward despite Tia, Sung-Sun, Ruby and Weiss running into bureaucratic obstinacy and Ozpin thinking he knows what’s best. Both teams adapt, with mixed results. Bribery is offered and proven, while Arturia, fearing she is missing a Harry meal, takes out her anger for that on the Grimm as they attempt to attack the mine while she is visiting. Harry pushes his team, with Tia coming along for the ride occasionally, keeping in contact with the home front and even giving suggestions, not realizing most are seen as orders. Arturia starts hearing snippets of conversations with her parents which confuse her and three weeks go by before Harry and Pyrrha can finally go on a official off-campus date, which does not go according to plan.

Give us the gift of big tiddy Elves!  Other-dimensional Parentage-HP/Kuroinu Crossover OR A Wild Horse In Eostia - Ranma/Kuroinu crossover.

1. Thanks to his father annoying a goddess, Ranma finds himself both separated from his old man and dropped into the deep end in an entirely different dimension. There, Vault meets Ranma’s fist in a very uncomfortable place, before Olga and Chloe decide to take this young man with them as they escape. Adventure comes for Ranma in the form of a very pillowy awakening, a monster attack, and Kuroinu calvary. Ranma and his two elven acquaintances continue on, while Vault slowly recovers, less of a man than he once was. Without Kin and with Vault out of action, Hicks takes control, ordering more pursuit. Eventually, after several incidents both violent and ecchi, Olga and Chloe lead the young Ranma toward the nearest Eostian Kingdom, that of the Shield Knight Alicia. This proves to be a very poor choice all around, although at least Ranma makes a new friend in the form of Prum, so that is a bonus.

2. Dreams lead Harry down a path of magic well before he is introduced to the Wizarding World through meeting a very busty, very scantily clad elven goddess by the name of Celestine. Because of this, the Wizarding World both loses it’s luster and Harry’s general attitude to life changes. Making a fast friend with Hermione, the two of them continue their magical education, but Harry’s mind is continually called back to the dream world. And eventually his learning in that world carries over, making waves in many different ways in both Eostia and in Harry’s world. The changes build slowly, but like a pebble going down the mountain, the final result is far more than anyone could ever anticipate.

For more info on the last choice above go to https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-story-57801741and https://www.patreon.com/posts/hp-kuroinu-58225677.

For those who might be wondering, ATP will not be updated this month. I want to give Observanc3the chance to catch up editing his version of the chapters. Then we can push to finish the story by April at least here on Patreon.

You may also have noted the two-for one sale up there. This is just my preference guys. I have around 6,000 words done for both those works, and I would like to use it, and frankly, Semblance of Hope needs to get done.

AND YES. The Kuroinu choice is one or the other, my choice as to which if that choice wins. I would like to get into that universe primarily because I have read several good fics set into it, there’s even a new one I will recommend here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39318768/chapters/98393268. It is called An Archer’s Promise, and it is both well written, interesting and funny at points. And things have already started to go wrong for the Black dogs. Great stuff. I’m sorry about the very limited summary for the HP story though. Given that the first few chapters will occur almost entirely in HP world, I didn’t want to go into too much detail on what is happening there.

(Before anyone asks, no if the Kuroinu crossover ideas win out, neither will join the regular stories. Not until at least three other stories are done.

Beyond that, I want to start putting together a campfire.comtype database for Journey Gone Astray, Death’s Avenger, FILFy, Stallion, and others. I’d like to do one story per month going forward. That way there won’t be any continuation mistakes and the magical schools will be fully outlined so I know what I’m dealing with, and can see where I made mistakes and go back and correct them. I may ask for help from some of you on this project going forward (Looking at you, Tomon).

I am also going to spend a few days at least editing the King of Champions chapter. It was decidedly not my best. Your comments have been heard on that score, folks.

And yes, there are more Ranma fics here to vote for. We did just have a Harry-only month after all.

So there will be at least three chapters: Small Story Poll, Patron Poll, and the above Patron Present poll. This poll will end on the 10th.


Stephen Foltz jr

also i can't find the post on the Kuroinu possible crossovers. where is it?


The 2 for one is going to win. But since I am okay with that I am throwing my vote to Kuroinu. Preferably the HP one since it has a built in stoping point after a chapter or two.