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IT's done!!! After brutalizing myself via Grammarly for the past two days, I am done.  Thank God.  

In other news, I haven't heard from Morde24, although Observanc3 has informed me RL is currently kicking him in the fork and work on the last ATP chapter is going very slowly due to that.  I will give Morde24 until this weekend before I post finished ATP53 here.

As an aside, here's a question for you all.  The Great Man, Tolkien, held VIEWS on propriety.  Because of that, I am leaning to not having any lemons in this work.  Thoughts? 



First, I just wanted to say...excellent job fleshing out the Dwarves so far! That was easily my favorite section of this addition! Second, as to the question of lemons...I honestly don't think it's really an issue either way? Tolkien DID have pretty strong views on propriety. Not uncommon ones for the time (indeed, a few of this known writings on the matter mirror his contemporary and friend C.S. Lewis). However, those views were primarily on matters of relationship, rather than on matters of the display there of. I think he'd actually rather approve of Harry and Tauriel's actual relationship, given that you're keeping with a version of the elven courtship. Slow and serious, with a virtual certainty of ending in whatever equivalent to marriage suits them. I don't recall him ever being particularly against the description of said relationship's private moments specifically. Mind you, it pretty much wouldn't have occurred to a British man of that time period to think of such a thing being written, for the most part. So it's hard to say how he'd have felt about it, beyond knowing that it would have been scandalous for the time period he lived in. As a result, honestly, I don't really think lemons are particularly disrespectful to his work. Given they are a glimpse into the type of relationship he actually approved of in this case. Having said that, I actually have no preference either way. I skip or skim lemons about half the time as is, depending on the mood I'm in when I read something. Do whatever feels like it fits best to you. Be that a lemon, nothing in that direction at all, or a lead-up with a fade to black sort of transition when you get past a certain point.


There's another author whose name brings back fond childhood memories. So glad the movies came out before all this Wokish/OURvision shit began. Eh... not certain it wouldn't have occurred to a British man, heh. Sharing such thoughts is a different matter. I have generally decided that I will fade to black when the final bit of clothing comes off. So a bit of limish goodness, then fading to black.


Sounds like a good compromise :-). And perhaps i should have said it wouldn't have occurred to him to publish it ;-). For all we know, when his son found his notes, there might have been a few pages of hot Arwen/Aragon action...Tolkien DID like writing down backstory for everything...


I tend to ignore lemons, so either way is fine with me.