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Hey all. It is time to share my reactions/thoughts on the latest questions, and as I hope you have all noticed, one such question was about a few of my stalled Ranma fics. Since many people had mentioned one story or another, I decided to roll out a pure numbers poll here for December. Specifically, which on-hold Ranma fic would everyone like to see me bring back into the poll for December? Since I will be looking to update ATP, there will be three small story polls that month, two patron polls split between the two fandoms, and one SW poll for fanfic. The winner of this NUMBERS ONLY poll will join the Ranma poll.

You will note there is no Lion of Light as part of the poll. My GD muse would need the equivalent of a Defibrillator hit to revive. Sorry guys. While I like a lot of the characters, the whole time travel thing and the general plot are just grrrrr…

Now, on to my other questions. I won’t mention specific people here as I normally would, but I will thank you all for sharing your opinions. It was very helpful.

Specifically, the question it was helpful with the most was the most controversial, since it elicited the most thoughtful arguments on both sides. This was, clearly, the question about whether or not Tauriel and Harry should have children in Fate Touched.  Now, here I went in with the idea that yes, they should, but my opinion has changed somewhat. I still think they should, but how it comes about is going to be very different, and Tauriel’s response will be immensely different. She is less than five hundred years old, and few elves have children before then, even those who married humans like Teluviel, or Arwen. She will probably not want children for a long while. So if it happens… well, I will reread the Tolkien gateway page on the Elvish life cycle. If it can happen accidentally, I will go with that. If not, then not.

As for the elves being weakened, I will attempt to explain why this has been going on and why, for many of them, those who are already strong or have no interest in Valinor, it will stop. It won’t be a blanket change, as the reasons for the elves wishing to leave Middle Earth are more complex than just magic slowly ebbing away from them, but I won’t go into it here, as it will show up in the chapter.

World building with the dwarves is a go, as is the eventual appearance of Ringil. I won’t have an entire chapter devoted to finding it or whatever, but it will eventually show up… in interesting circumstances. As for showing villain POVs, I will only show one or two from Sauron’s. Given his power and position, I don’t see the need to show his rolling with the punches as I have to Sidious in both SW fics. It is different with Saruman however. Every time I show something that impinges on what he’s up to during this time, I will then show his thoughts and how he has slowly changed, both his descent into servitude to Sauron, and his change from his canon self.

My Horse questions were much easier. Yes to a bit of politics, but not nearly enough people wanted to see them for me to go into any great detail. Similarly, the fic will remain in the poll until it replaces ATP as the fic I am concentrating on finishing. And finally, Anakin will be punished severely for his actions. He will also be humiliated, and basically brought along so Kit can come with the rest of the crew.

KOC: here, one reviewer made a very important point: that I had neglected to think of the whole redeeming evil characters thing from the perspective of this Harry. He really isn’t going to be looking to redeem or interested in taking prisoners or even talking to his enemies. So if Cinder and Emmy come back to the light, it will be all on them. Hazel… he might be too stupid to live. In the same vein, Harry will be willing to step in and help to lead Tia’s team, but certainly won’t push her to be something she isn’t. If the trio move away from Tia and she becomes a fifth member of his team, that isn’t something he will try to stop. So whether or not to make my version of the Tres Bestia into actual characters will be decided in the next chapter.

BR: judging by the reaction to my summoned house elf honor guard, the idea of Harry eventually being able to summon semi-solid spirits to guard (or serve) him and his party is a go.

Once more, thank you all for your thoughts, and I hope you continue to enjoy my stories going forward.



I can't decide between 'The Effect of a Horse and a Dragon' & 'Gods and Devils and Wild Horses, Oh My!' ... To quote Kuno, "I must have them both!" LOL


I'm a big fan of Mass Effect and crossovers with it. I admit that I was somewhat put off by Herb being present in The Effect of a Horse and a Dragon though. He's one of the bigger assholes in Ranma canon, from my memory of him.


Yeah, i have mellowed him down considerably, through adroit use of meeting him before the cherry was added to his assholery and then the time-honored tradition of Ranma beating him upside the head, then showing him there are far worse fucktards out there. He's still prickly, still, an asshole in many ways, but more interested in learning and research than lording it over others.