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As mentioned in the patron only poll results, here is the October small story poll. My priorities going forward this month are: MW, the winner of this, and then I will start ATP, looking to update it next month. I’m sorry guys, but losing most of the first week of this month to RL things and going over Observanc3’s edits of ATP51 took too much time. I only have two of these outlined for goodness sake, let alone anything else. Because of that, this poll will go only until the 19th. I REPEAT, THIS POLL WILL ONLY GO FOR TEN DAYS! VOTE QUICK! But not often. Just the once.

Anyway, the choices this month are…

Sword, Bow and Horse Ranma/Lord Marksman and Vanadis crossover: After taking a sabbatical from interacting with other people as only Ranma could, the trans-dimensionally displaced martial artist heads north in search of Lim and Valentina. Arriving on the heels of both winter and a war’s end, Ranma finds Valentina first. A heart-to-heart discussion proves enlightening, while the events after prove arousing, before Lim arrives to interrupt things. A fight ensues until Ranma puts his feet down, whereupon it becomes a free-for-all, with the loser being Valentina’s castle. Elsewhere, a demon in human form begins to spread his influence through Muozinel, which is still reeling at it’s defeat in the war against Brune. While a demon contemplates that, winter goes on. Political chicanery continues apace, while an unaware Ranma has romantic times with both Valentina and Lim, finding unfortunately that they are not as sanguine about sharing him and they might once have evinced, and that his own emotions are very much being torn in two directions. When it breaks, Ranma, annoyed and thoughtful from the weekly bickering, makes his way out to find Sofy to both check in with her and ask for advice, only to learn she is being sent on a mission to Asvarre. Racing to join her, he is barely able to board the ship before it leaves, taking Sofy and Ranma out to a new adventure…

{This fic is now fully caught up over on fanfic, this is a second month with it as part of this poll. Depending on how well it does, I may put it on hold and remove it.}

Magic of the Force- HP/SW crossover: War dominates discussions in the halls of power for better or worse on all three sides of the war, while the news of Ord Cestus, though small, puts heart into people and allows the Senate to issue a series of ultimatums to the High Command. A member of Clan Saa and her Master get a new assignment as Aayla proves she remembers all her Master’s teaching about being sneaky. Ahsoka, meanwhile, shows Potter Luck has nothing to do with blood, and strategic visions are discussed, with the Dooku Training Center turned to a new purpose. Several campaigns begin, and perfectly made plans on paper quickly run into this thing called reality. Nonetheless, the war grinds on, while in the shadows of chaos, Kas and Mak come closer to finding what they seek. An assassination occurs, while fleets clash, and Padme tries to sway the hearts and minds of the senate. Harry and Aayla find themselves embroiled in a political argument while Valahari comes under attack, and the Tyrant’s Bane fights sneaky.

Stallion of the Line – Ranma/One Piece crossover: Zoro’s sense of direction strikes again, causing him to run into a wild Gion, causing much weeping among local homeowners and a lot of damage to the surroundings, before their match ends due to Zoro’s sense of direction and Gion’s inability to handle it. Calling in the sighting of a Straw Hat survivor causes issues back at Marineford as Garp discovers the trap Tsuru had created for his grandson. Attempts to calm him down fail, and the greatest hero of the marines turns against his fellows... Meanwhile back in Shabondy Archipelago, Sanji is on the hunt for the vile kidnappers of his Mer-Mellorine and Chopper and his group reluctantly retreat to Shakky’s bar… with only the Star Hats actually conscious as they do so. ‘Ranko’ and her partners head straight to Grove 1, assuming that eventually Camie will show up there, But Sanji is there well ahead of them. A selection of other pirates are also there, but the true losers of the day turn out to be a group of so-called nobles before ‘Ranko’ crashes the party right before the marines show up. Zoro arrives, and his match with Gion resumes, as ‘Ranko’ and her group fight the other pirates, completing the image they were hoping to build. Many get away, but Sanji is captured along with Zoro, earning ‘Ranko’ and her small team a lot of respect and some leeway to demand things from the marines… just…as… planned…

Again, this poll will end on the 19th.  Hmm… I will put my votes behind Magic of the Force. Given the fact I doubt I’ll be able to get to ATP much this month, I want to at least try and give my HP fans something to munch on.



Stallion 100%. The story got me interested in one piece and I am now fully invested in both this story and the anime. At this point, Stallion is my favorite of your stories. While I will read anything you come up with, any month you don't come up with a chapter for Stallion I am disappointed.


After so long want my Sword fix!