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Howdy all.  It is now time to end the Patron only Poll for this month, and on time for once, LOL.  

And as always, a small news roundup....

ATP is done, and in the hands of Morde24.  Horse is still being worked on, I wanted to get back to it after ATP was done, but my Fate muse ambushed me.  I should be able to finish Horse tomorrow.  Fate touched is 2/3s done, see what i mean by an ambush, LOL?

Anyway, here is the results of the Patron Only Poll:

Now, here I took both Bhaalson and Climbing's showings last month, halved them, and put them in... and it still didn't matter.

Climbing Together: 1,308.

Bhaalson Remodel: 1,526

And finally, Journey Gone Astray: 2,925.  

First place beat out both other stories combined.  Holy Shit. Just remember guys, the Journey will then go on hiatus for a time until Horse and ATP are both finished at a minimum.  



I haven't read any of "journey gone astray" what's it about


Ayup. I will link it in here...https://www.patreon.com/posts/journey-gone-62472217 That's number one, number two is https://www.patreon.com/posts/journey-gone-2-71338784. I think you'll like it.


What's happening with Filfy Teacher btw?