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Howdy all, a sitrep first:

Tomon got the second segment of the Stallion chapter back to me, as well as a few scenes I wrote up afterward. Hiryo has it now, and I will be posting it soon.

As for Horse for the Force, I… did an oopsy. So basically my initial outline was not sufficient, and after I wrote several scenes from it, I went, but wait, no this needs lead up time, and the Jedi just can't go haring off, and Coruscant isn't in a vacuum and… no, hold on, Anakin can’t just burst in, he’s gonna die too quickly for Ranma to save. 

So… I have basically had to add so much more stuff in that I have essentially written a chapter and a half. I say it that way, because there are two big scenes in the center there I would need to write up before connecting the ‘half’ to the chapter, and its already 30,000 words. I will finish up the chapter I’ll post this month today and send it off to Hiryo for editing tonight. Then I will use the rest as a start for the next chapter and update it next month… hopefully. Because if I don't, well, you'll all probably want to draw and quarter me. We’ll see how it goes there.

This is why I hadn’t posted the results of the Ranma poll yet guys, sorry.

Anyway, I have decided to end both polls today given how I will be spending my time in RL just makes more sense to do so.

First, the HP patron only poll – first because I will start work on it first so I can send it off to the editor faster:

In third place with a truly depressing showing, was Bhaalson Remodel at 673. OUCH.

Second was Death’s Avenger, thankfully. I know it’s popular guys, and I really like it too, but there’s no denying it is a time-guzzler to world build. It brought in 1854.

And finally, in a really close match for most of the time I was counting the votes – seriously it went back and forth for a while – is King of Champions with 2085.

And now on to Ranma!

… ya know how Remodel lost so badly? Here third place was even worst. With only 393, is Climbing Together. Ouch… gonna need some aloe for that burn guys.

Second place is Sword, Bow and Horse, with 1,335. Not bad. Wouldn’t have won even if I had voted for it though as first place was…

Journey Gone Astray. It brought in 2,452.  Not really surprising I guess considering the popularity of DC.

Anyway guys, I will be taking the rest of the day to finish up Horse, do a few small projects (putting together more of my fics into large files) and editing chapter 1 of Heroes of the High Seas so I can post it over on A03. I had gone back and edited ATP51, and that took a while since I just couldn’t concentrate on it for very long per day, so I only recently sent it off to Observanc3.


Jamie Coady

Really sorry about the hp poll and that remoddle comming so low. i don't know the first thing about ranma so can't say anything there. i wish i could learn but not sure where to go lol. one of the draw backs of being blind lol! can't wait for the new chapter. is always good to read your writing as you put so much life in to it. to me it is as if i am really there beside the chars experiencing the story with them. thanks!


No worries, and again, if you need help to access my stories, I can help point you in the way of a few text to speech programs and apps.


Did I miss "Raffy" coming clean about his past as Ranma? Hancock seems to interchangeably refer to him as either Luffy or Ranma during the first part of the chapter...


My bad folks, I forgot to do my normal change all - Luffy doesn't come through on Dragon Naturally speaking for some reason. Laughy, loud he, luft the, Batty, to name a few no matter how often I try to train it. Names are a bit of a hit or miss. So I remembered to do that over on fanfic, and will do so now here.