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Hey all, so... it's late in the month. But given the size of ATP and Bhaalson and RL still being a bitch sometimes, I really couldn't have started work on the winner here until now.  Hence an Issue I have once more run into because of course... 

Stallion of the line won, overwhelmingly.  2,604 votes to 2311 for Magic of the Force, and a measly 1,491 votes for Horse for the Force.  Just so you all know exactly how badly Ranma and Shaak lost? 600 of those votes came from me.  

So, this brings up a problem.  The next chapter has several important bits: one romance interaction that sets the tone going forward on that front, and then the start of the next arc, to say nothing of a lot of new characters getting introduced.  And I have two editors for this story.  Hiryo, who has been great for Ranma-specific stuff, and Tomon, who has been fantastic at One Piece stuff and plot issues.  

The problem is, both tend to change the chapter, and both need time to look at it.  Even if I do the old 'send them stuff daily' thing, it is very, very doubtful that I would be able to finish the chapter by the 31 with their edits.  And I both don't want to put the chapter up without that, and have been told by Tomon that he loses all his momentum when I post the chapter here even if I don't do so over on fanfic.  

So I will instead break the chapter in two.  Much like I do with the episode style fics, I will post half of the Stallion chapter by the end of the month and it will be edited and looked over.  Then I will post the next segment next month.  

And for anyone who is wondering... yes, I will try to get an episode style update for Semblance out as well. It's the editing that will take a while... and I already started it months back, so I have a head start.  I will finish this story people! 


Tom smith

Yes. Ranma won


Hey, random note. I war re reading ATP and have to ask if Harry ever took over Genosha. It was brought up that he might but then was dropped.


No. Long answer, still too much anti mutant hate, and his allies (minus doom) would have taken it poorly.