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Hey all! it is time to end the Patron Only poll.  ATP is generally finished... eh, there's a wedding and a lemon to write up still, but mostly everything else is done and sent off to my editor.  

 Now, I did promise that Bhaalson Remodel would get the carry over treatment, both because it hasn't been updated in a while and because I wanted to see if I could get an episode-style update out for Semblance of hope... so...

The winner is Bhaalson Remodel.  Half of last month's votes was 829 (I don't carry over the previous carry over LOL), plus the votes won this month of 1,887 =  2,716.  

Sword Bow, and Horse brought in  2,450. 

So I will remain in HP mode for a while.  I should have Bhaalson Remodel up by the 20th, at which point i will close the small story poll.  While the chapter might be short, there's always Stutter-Mc-Irritation to consider and the various fonts I add in... which don't cover over to here on patron, but can be seen in the word and pdf docs.

Speaking of, I am having conniptions with adding in color to my first chapter of Bhaalson Remodel.  Does anyone know anything about using A03 and CSS?  Their faqs are not helpful, and I have been forced to go through and remove the font/inserts I had initially put in - they are DELETED when I upload to A03.  That is beyond annoying.  



See if you can message Eostia Scribe on AO3. He's done what your talking about in quite a few of the chapters of his story. He could maybe give you some pointers.

Ben Isaacs

Glad Bhaalson made it over the line. I'll be out of hospital before it's up which would have helped pass some time but still can't wait till it's up