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Hello all! And happy Passover for those like me who celebrate it. Happy early Easter too. This is post is to announce the end of both the SW and Patron only polls.

I also I have a personal announcement. A real-life tragedy struck my family at the start of this month, and because of that, I have been traveling via plane a lot. This made me completely miss the deadline for the SW poll.

Moreover, while plane rides are conducive to typing time, you can’t really use Dragon Naturally Speaking in such an environment, which slows me down massively. And time with the family has also been cutting into my writing time. How I have dealt with this I will announce at the end of this post.

First, I decided to end the PoP early because as I was doing my whole full outline for the chapters thing, I ran into a major writer’s block for Magic and ATP both. One was explainable – travel distances and issues with dialogue. The other was more about needing a boost to my SW muse.  I will thus be pushing the SW crossover to third in my priority list.

And now, here are the results of the small story poll.

The winner, through dint of my voting for it, is Horse For the Force. it brought in 2,928. 600 of which were my votes, with 126 coming from fanfic. Magic brought in an unaided 244 votes from fanfic and a total of 2,916.

Sorry Magic fans, but I think when you see the result of the patron only poll you will realize why I did it this way.

Semblance of Hope: 661. The perennial last place.

Bhaalson Remodel took third place, with 899. ARGH. Come on, just… want… to show… Viconia interacting… with the… rest… of the… party… Wah.

Second place went to Sword, Bow and Horse, with 1,289. Huh. Uncertain what to think about this one. I had honestly expected the hope of closing a story to draw more of the Ranma-centric votes to SoH.  So I am gratified this story has such a following, but bemused.

And in first place is the new HP kid on the block, King of Champions, bringing in 1,786. I find it astonishing how popular this story is, really. Is it a sign of a dislike/disinterest in Baldur’s Gate? or Of actual interest in the RWBY ‘verse? Which I would take as an acknowledgement of the mistakes I made in SoH.

Now, as you can see, I could have put my 600 votes on SBaH, and have it come in first place. The problem with that is twofold. One, I honestly didn’t think it had a chance, and so hadn’t even bothered doing a full outline for it, instead starting work on KoC when I ran into the writers block for ATP. And two, I had a segment of King of Champions already written. That has been a major help.

Regardless, I should finish ATP sometime next week. Since KoC was so far ahead it’s victory was obvious, I started work on it too, and given my writers block in ATP and the SW crossover, it’s going to be sent out to the editor sometime this evening.


Treant Balewood

Bhaalson Remodel is probably my favorite of your HP stories


I can only talk for myself but I played Baldurs Gate more than 10-15 years ago and the last time I read Bhaalson I couldnt really see where its going to go. So my interest was fairly low. I really like SoH. Fo me its more sad thats actually almost over. I always thought it still could go much farther than it already is. You give RWBY the world building which is missing for me in the original.