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Okay guys, with Stallion of the Line one Grammarly-filled day away from being finished and being sent off to Tomon, it is time to close this poll!  And I have to thank everyone who has taken part.

So without further ado, here we go!

Semblance of Hope in last place: 787.  Where or where will the ending be? LOL.. wah.

Sword, Bow and Horse is in third place with 864.  Hmm... I honestly expected it to do better.

Bhaalson Remodel... second place with 1663. A very good showing!

But the new man on the block, Climbing Together won with 1707!

Very close, folks.  And given how much time I still have... we will see what can be done there.  Not going to promise anything, but I might try to put out a small Remodel chapter too.  Although if I do, I will remove it from the poll for next month as well, so we'll see. 

As for the last round of questions, guys, I will address them in total sometime next week in a separate post.  I think I did a good enough job answering them individually this time as well, though. 

Once more, I hope you join me in sending prayers to the Ukraine.  The fight against tyrants never ends, no matter how much people might think it has. 


Benjamin Bravo

Just my two cents, I personally wanted Remodel to win but would rather wait for a longer chapter and appreciate Climbing, than have you try to push for getting both out. You know yourself best, so please go at a pace where you don't risk burnout.


I'd honestly like to vote for a new chapter of that Ranma X DC crossover we got a first glimpse of a month or so ago.