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Hey all, so um... it occurred to me that posting the small story poll would be silly.  Both HP choices for it have yet to be updated this month so I'd have to not put in a teaser type summary, or just shout SPOILERS and assume it would work.  

The same can be said for one of the patron only poll choices - Bhaalson Remodel.  I'm still debating what to do there with Making Waves being on-hold.  To say that threw off my plans is to put it mildly.   

I will need to wait and see how you all take Viconia as a character.  I think I have started to build her character in the correct manner, but we will see.  

Magic is done.  I read through the Padme/Harry/Aayla conversation and basically rewrote it, but it will be up at the end of the month.

Anyway, I had a few questions I wanted to pose to you all.

First are a few general ones: 

1. Recently I have noticed that I have been getting asked the ol' are you a human CAPTCHA thing when going to fanfic.  Not all the time, but at least a few times daily.  Is anyone else getting that, or is it just me?

2. Further, is everyone still generally happy with Fanfic? I still don't see if I have a pm over there, and we all know there've been issues with seeing new chapters sometimes.

So I have been wondering about jumping ship to AO3 again.  Especially given my little foray into using pictures. Heck I could even put in direct links to music, which could be really good (especially for the next chapter of ATP).  But I am still wondering if it would seem too much like I'm trawling for more patrons. 


Now, one for my ATP fans: It has come to my attention that I I have made several mistakes in the last few chapters.  I have also made mistakes in the past in this fic, and I am not just talking about how I have tried to use comic book time instead of real time.  

So, I am wondering if the fic would be better served by me going back and making changes now, or if I should wait until the end and then do it then... when I might lose all enthusiasm for the project LOL.  

------------------------- (new separater style folks)-----------------------------

And a few for my Ranma fans.

1.  Horse for the Force.  It lost again.  Now, normally, I would put this down to the whole Ranma/HP divide.  But it has lost to other Ranma fics before.  So should I take up , GDWHOM, instead of Horse for the Force going forward until Magic of the Force is done? 

2. What has everyone thought about Climbing Together replacing Making Waves in the patron only poll?  I am debating between following that, or using the idea of the two smaller episode choice I did before with DA and SOH.  SOH would be one of them, and the other would be my old Addventure Homage story.  


I have a few HP questions, but only a few aren't spoilers at this point.

1. Politics.  in Magic of the Force we have had to see a lot of politics so far, and there is still more in the future.  Is it an interesting or important enough part of the world building that I need to continue to show it (in this case, the creation of the GDL congress, Padme taking part in important Senate meetings) or should I just summarize that stuff and only show the most personally important to the characters?  An example of that would be when Ryloth votes to join the GDL in a few months... and what it might mean...

2. Espionage versus space battles, which aspect of the war of the Sith is the most interesting?  This is more of a 'if I need to crunch the chapter down' kind of question rather than asking as a part of the world building.

Beyond that, I will have more questions after Fate and Magic are updated.  I have also decided to see which is more interesting, King of Champions or Bhaalson Remodel, next month in the Patron Only poll.

As always, thanks for sharing your thoughts with me guys, and please, if you have something you want to talk to me about, concerns, ideas, concepts, feel free to drop me a PM.



Yeah, I’ve looked at the fanfic app, which is really nice. I do know A03 can be a pain. What I might do is try to upload a single chapter of a random work and see what happens. The thing about ATP is that while I had the story outlined, the last arc I had in any detail was the Asgard arc. Which should have happened several chapters ago. the Shi’ar/Galactus arc smacked me upside the head. Jean’s pregnancy smacked me upside the head. The actual timeline – as in how I’ve spread things out – is really bad. And I know I should just remove the idea of the time-lapse runes entirely. Or at least don’t use them until the shipbuilding thing. BUT. But there is a problem. Name one story where someone went back to try and rewrite it, and then was able to actually finish the story. Instead most rewrites end up killing the writer’s muse. So that is a major concern for me. Yeah, I need to include bits of the Senate’s reaction to things. Show Palpatine slowly changing, the laws changing as Padme fights it. Their reaction to the Congress of Stars.


Killing muse, especially if there are huge changes that go through most chapters afterwards! In that regard the sooner rewrite, the better. :p


General: 1) It is not just you. It used to be fine for me (just had the "cloudflare" thing come up nearly every chapter refresh, but my old PC died and it has been basically constant since. 2) The owner of Fanfic seems to be actively hostile to the people posting stories, and especially the people reading them. I think it would be nice to have your stories on Ao3, but as I understand it there are some formatting concerns you would need to watch out for. Might be misremembering, but it would be good to reach out to someone you know who posts on both to get feedback on the process. ATP fixing: Authors going back to update earlier parts of their big stories is one of the more common ways for said fics to die before they are completed. I don't think you would let that happen, but with how big ATP is it is a concern. Magic of the Force: 1) I think you have struck a good balance keeping the politics interesting enough and not letting it get dragged out too much, so I am happy for more if you want to do so. 2) Don't really have much of an opinion here. Neither are my favorite parts of the story, but they are both enjoyable.