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Yep, medium story poll.  No Large story poll this month folks.  February is too short, and I want to get Bhaalson Remodel updated.  Beyond that, my Ranma fans should be on the lookout for a surprise the night before the Super Bowl to go with the late Stallion chapter.

The choices for the medium poll are:

Horse for the Force – SW/Ranma crossover: While Wayland is further reinforced and progress continues to be made breaking the various computers within the mountain, Shaak and Ranma decide to take several of the Blades crew and their two padawans out on a family excursion to the planet’s equator. At Keala’s instigation, she and the other three youngsters try to establish a pecking order, with somewhat astonishing results, and Ranma and Shaak have a bit of husband and wife time in an oddly idyllic area with Janice giving them the time by working all the others into the ground (and threatening them with HK). Elsewhere, Thrawn and Master Fay make contact with the High Council, and Thrawn officially becomes the Jedi’s Fleet Admiral, taking control of some of the allied forces, correctly discerning where a CIS fleet is about to attack and countering it. At the same time, back on Wayland, Master Vos and Obi-Wan talk, before Master Saa comes by. A betrayal most foul occurs as Jedi die to one of their own, and Vos attempts to complete his mission…

Magic of the Force – SW/HP crossover: The War (as yet unnamed) picks up to an unseen level as the Confederacy launches attacks across the Republic with even larger forces than seen before. The Republic reels, losing several battles and strategic positions, while they build up their war material and fleet elsewhere. Harry and Aayla return into the teeth of a spoiler raid, which goes very poorly for the attackers, but which make previous agreements being discussed all the more important. A few meetings occur while the Confederacy unveils it’s next campaign, a full assault into the Corellian district. No blockade this assault pulls several GDL sector fleets into the conflict, while Harry gives a speech and Padme falls in love all over again. A meeting is planned between several people, Padme and her lovers talk, Sidious plans, and a Jedi dies, as the invasion of Corellia and the surrounding systems gain momentum. At the same time, another campaign is launched in the Republic, it’s goals unknown, but giving Harry and Aayla a very bad feeling indeed, forcing them to make a devil’s choice…

I will be taking part in this poll, and will be voting for the Ranma crossover - it hasn't been updated in the longest.  By a wide margin.

This poll will end on the 12th.  There will be a small story poll up by the 14th.  I would say that it will be a VERY small story poll, so sorry FILFy fans, but it won't appear again until March. And even then only maybe.  See previous issues with FILFy and ATP in one month LOL. I am almost tempted to put that to a poll, but that strikes me as a very bad idea given the downsides of trying for both in one month...


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