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Sorry about this guys, but there has been a development.  

As everyone knows who has been following Making Waves for any length of time, I have used Justlovereadin' as the story's primary plot/FT info man since forever. It is because of him and Hiryo that the story has been so good, in particular the fights accurate to FT and the plot so good in places.  

The reason this has necessitated a change to January's Patron Only Poll is that Justlovereadin' is a serviceman in the navy, and he is going to ship out on deployment soon, so will be out of touch for the next half year!  I hope you all wish him and his fellow crewmen the best. 

But because of his immense contributions to Making Waves, I asked him if he wished me to postpone the story until he was in a position to resume beta-reading. Justlovereadin' then requested I do so.  Thus Making Waves is on hold until he is back on land.

On the other hand hey, this means I can follow up on my Christmas gift.  Thus the choices in the revamped patron-only poll this month are...

Climbing Together - Ranma/Street Fighter/King of Fighters crossover: Ranma and Shampoo make good their plans to leave Nerima with no one the wiser... for precisely twelve hours.   Heading south and stopping along the way, they learn some interesting new Arts, medical and martial, with Shampoo being astonished at finding a few Chinese styles in Japan, and Ranma learning more about Shampoo in turn.  Things become a bit heated more than a few times, but Ranma proves to be a trouble magnet in the form of unwanted fiancées and a piggy rival. At a small esoteric temple, several ideas for long-term training goals are had, and an eventual destination decided on before an attempt to live off the land Ranma style goes wrong getting the two youngsters in trouble with both sides of the law.  This doesn't bother the twosome, who continue their journey quickly, leaving behind loads of unconscious criminal types and several new rivals before deciding to head on to the next island south, with Ranma determined to look up the Shiranui style.

Bhaalson Remodel– HP/Baldur’s Gate/Gamer crossover: After a brief respite, the Adventurers resume their attack, heading downward to find the last of the Heart Stones and the Dungeon Boss. Both the area where both items are found and the battle turns out to be nothing like what Harry and the others anticipated, as the Dungeon Boss calls in more assassin-type help. The battle is furious but ends with a pyrrhic victory as the enemies prove to be sore losers. The waters rise, and Harry falls with a few of his companions into its watery depths, while the others are forced to retreat. Imoen discovers a new ability from Harry’s Map, while Harry battles several new animals, bigotry and makes a new friend in a certain dusky-skinned distressed ‘maiden’. Tempers flare within the party and Imoen is forced to play peacemaker as they search for their friends and loved ones. Harry finds himself dragged into a few local issues in return for the help he needs for his companions, while his new friend proves both useful and distracting until they all meet up once more, with more clues to follow on their way to Beregost

Some of you may be wondering why Semblance of Hope or GDWHOM isn't on here instead.  The reason is due to my wishing to push ATP forward, I will also be working on a small episode style update for Semblance regardless of anything else.  But in February I will post a poll asking which Ranma crossover patron only-fic people would like to see replace Making Waves in this poll going forward as well as a question on the future format of this poll.

Despite this change, this poll will end on the 11th. 



All the best Justlovereadin!


kinda sad to hear that. i was looking forward to reading the first fiction out there that actually built on the larger world of FT. Making Waves is the first to do from everything i've seen, not to mention the supreme quality of the writing. It is what it is though. I only really follow Making Waves, Stallion, and FILFY. thanks to everyone who made these stories possible.