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Hello all. Sorry this has taken me so long to get out, I kind of thought that the winner was obvious and it was LOL.

In last place was Bhaalson Remodel with only 848. OUCH. I even saw people who were voting for every fic but this one. Double OUCH. I just want to get to Viconia’s introduction, is that too much to ask? Whine…

A Name to Conjure With with brought in 1055 taking third place. Huh. Honestly didn’t see this one having as much appeal, but there we go.

Second Place went to A New World, my HP/Kuroinu idea. It brought in 1,459. The Perv side, for once, did not win.

Because with 2,187 the winner was A Fate Touched in Middle Earth. So let’s here it for the Battle of the Mountain!

And now that that’s over with, a sitrep.

Stallion is finished. I have sent the last two parts out to Tomon

I haven’t heard from morde24 on ATP. Whatever happens there, I will be posting the chapter over on fanfic New Years Eve.

King of Champions is finished. I sent the last bit out to the editor, and it will be up here on Patron on New Years Eve.

I cannot say the same for Fate Touched. I will try my best, but with the amount of editing work I might have to do, and the fact I will be around my family for much of New Years Eve it could be impossible. However it will be out by Monday at the latest. And no, this shouldn’t have much of an impact on January stuff.

Be on the lookout tomorrow night for the Small story and Patron only polls for January 2022, as I will be posting them then. I have made the decision to start the ATP rotation by replacing the large story. I will also be posting a poll tomorrow for my Ranma fans.



I love Fate touched, but I am disappointed in how long it has been with no Bhaalson.


Agreed, I keep hoping for Bhaalson to pull through.