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And as mentioned in my first poll today, here is the Ranma-only December poll:

Semblance of Hope – Ranma/RWBY crossover: Now with their goal in sight, Ranma and team JNPR map out the area, making contact with a scout bullhead after taking out two more S-class Grimm. With the go-ahead given, they move into the city, killing two more S-class Grimm although they are nearly spotted while doing so. Forced to flee, the five are then ambushed by a group from Clan Branwen, but fight their way free and hide elsewhere. Cinder and the Hunter Teams come in via airdrop, and the five of them move to support the assault on the city, only to realize quickly that the Grimm are not playing fair, and hordes have been waiting beyond the valley. Clan Branwen attacks once more, further complicating matters, as does the appearance of Hazel and Tyrian. The battle becomes wild and general, as Cinder, faced with this opportunity must decide if her loyalty is to her ambition or Salem, and Ranma finds himself fighting both Grimm, another Maiden, and an assassin who just won’t go away.

Stallion of the Line – Ranma/One Piece Crossover: the battle between Luffy and the two Shichibukai begins, with both sides being surprised by the abilities of their enemies, while Moria’s shadow proves it’s a snarky ass troll despite having no ability to speak. The battle on the Everlasting Resolve becomes nasty as Franky shows what it means to be hardboiled and Laki decides she doesn’t like fighting people who have more striking power at range than her. Nami and Makino arrive, but so does a certain invisible annoyance, while elsewhere, Kuma learns what its like to be launched and Sanji promises to make his captain a feast. Zoro and Chopper arrive at their disparate destinations, and Moria runs into an obstinate shadow, before using said shadow to further complicate matters on the island and give out a few orders that no one is going to like. Hancock learns to perhaps watch her words, Ranma learns to watch his attacks, and both learn something about the other before things get even more complicated.

Making Waves – Ranma/Fairy Tail Crossover: After their first introduction to life in the Blasted Lands, everyone is second-guessing their decision to come here, but also eager to move on. A direction is chosen for them when they see what looks like an orc, only not at the same time. Later, after witnessing and being a part of the weirdest fight most of them have ever been a part of, a new threat in the form of a giant bird makes itself known, capturing Happy for dinner. A reluctant rescue operation is launched, taking the band of explorers through more ‘areas of weird’ like the first zone they ran into, only to discover the remnants of an ancient city that looks larger than any the Earthland natives have ever seen but which looks frighteningly familiar to Ranma, albeit far more crushed around the edges. There Juvia finds an enemy that looks far too familiar, and the Dragon Slayers find themselves in a conflict with the lone denizen of the shattered city, as Juvia and Happy explore.

Climbing Together – Ranma/Fatal Fury/Street Fighter crossover (eventually): Fed up with both the rain and being followed by the persistent Shampoo, Ranma makes the best of being stuck in a cave and challenges the Amazon warrior to double or nothing. After a few humorous and some ecchi moments, the two teens find they have a lot in common, but the final bout is called on account of panda, leaving both young people annoyed for different reasons, and a question raging in Shampoo’s mind. Months later, Ranma is kind of fed up with this whole staying in one place thing along with the fiancé BS his father left him with. Shampoo is fed up with the chase but becomes suddenly very interested in it once more when the fact Ranma was born a man comes to light, making her subsequent defeat much easier to bear. A late-night discussion is had, and a chance is taken, only to backfire instantly as the new young couple is overheard, but instead of trying to deny it, Ranma agrees to leave, then leaves Nerima behind with his new friend, eager to see the world.

Hmm, this one’s going to be interesting to watch for various reasons. And no, it doesn’t include Horse. I’ve never put the same story in two polls in the same month before, and I don’t want to do so now. It will be in one of the polls somewhere in January, and I will be voting for it then, but not now.

This has nothing to do with me wanting to see if Ranma/Shampoo can get a fair shot. Nothing at all…

Because of the time spent on DA and ATP, this poll will become the next priority this month, and so this poll will end on the 10th.


D. Quinn



Please Climbing Together!