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Hey all. As I said I would, I am shutting this poll down now so that I can concentrate on the winner, getting it out by Saturday in order for my editor (or editors) to have a look at it next week when I will be going on a family trip. Not gonna lie, probably will only have an hour or two during that time each day to write. So it will be perfect for planning and editing FILFy.

Which is… mostly done? I began going through it last night, and kind of realized that while yeah, it’s done, it’s not good in segments. The combat scenes are only okay, I need to work on the setting since it’s happening in a city and really doesn’t feel like it yet. Urban combat environments are not fun for soldiers or to write about I guess, LOL yet not because they are crazy. I also think I repeat myself a few times and need to do a better job of showing the various different magical styles. So I will polish it up and send it off to my editors once the patron only story is finished.

I want to apologize again for the lateness of FILFy, guys. I really, really wanted to get it out in July, but it just wasn’t and still isn’t ready, as I said above.

Anyway, now onto the poll.

The winner, despite my hopes that for once, Bhaalsonwould actually outright win a poll (I really wanted to play with Viconia, and you can take that however you wish LOL) was Sword, Bow, and Horse. It brought in 2,340 votes to 2,158 for Bhaalson Remodel.



So I'm just wondering if any of your stories are going to be finished soon? Not that I'm complaining it just seems that none are close and it's hard to keep track when you update a story unless you read through the story again. Sorry if that makes no since I love your stories but man are the long. Maybe when you go between updates for a long time a summary somewhere just to review without having to read th whole thing. Thanks


Hey. I have been thinking along the same lines for a while now. If you want a idea of how far along all my currently being updated stories are, I posted something like that a few months back. If you just want a idea of what stories are closest to are: semblance, atp, filfy, making waves.


Filfy is already close to the end? Man it feels like it just started yesterday ^^


If it was anyone else but you, I'd say it would be better if Viconia just died.


Alright, I’ll bite. Why do you dislike Viconia? I personally think her redemption romance is really well done.


Oh, I didn't know she had one. I went and did some searching online as I hadn't played the game to read a character profile. I read about her as the PC first meets her, and no redemption arc was mentioned. Apparently I need to be a little more thorough on my research before I comment. Oops.