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Just what it says on the tin guys, this is a poll to update stories which, for one reason or another haven't been updated for a long while.  Most of the time this means they have routinely lost the polls so badly that even if I put my own monthly votes behind them, they would lose.  Occasionally it has meant this squared, by which I mean they loose so badly that even if I give myself up to eight hundred votes, the most I will give myself at any one time.

In one case though, I just wanted to see how well it would do.  I'm evil like that...

Gods and Devils and Wild Horses, Oh My – Ranma/Highschool DxD crossover: While a Very Big Man uses his Very Large Voice in the Vatican, Ranma is subjected to a few more last moments of eye-dropping goodness. Afterward, Ranma and the others head back to Kuoh, where they discover a human cockroach by the name of Happosai has moved in. This causes even more issues when Happosai discovers the extra-human nature of Rias and many of the other devils before an Angel contemplates Falling just to kill a perverted cockroach. Eventually however, Ranma decides to bite the bullet after getting some good advice, has a conversation with his friends. Rias and Saeko butt heads for a bit, while Koneko has her own long-overdue conversation, with someone who is technically a fugitive. This does not go anywhere near where either she or the other participant could ever have foreseen because of truths coming out and Happosai butting in. Meanwhile, Gabriel, after having been thoroughly humiliated, receives a call to come home, makes some promises, and passes on some information while Ranma gets some news, and he and Saeko make plans, with a certain redhead aiding and abetting.

Horse for the Force-Ranma/SW crossover: An angered and frustrated Ranma decides to make a statement, inadvertently becoming a music video icon the Republic over while Shaak Ti decides she might have to defend her territory once more. Work on the computer starts to see a few breakthroughs while Tyrannus attempts to gather more ships to attack the system, but find it isn’t easy, the Republic has begun to bounce back elsewhere, despite not having enough ships to do it. More reinforcements arrive, turning Wayland into a fortress. Ranma and Shaak are requested to help break an assault on a Jedi Agri-world, before being recalled in order to learn even more of what Wayland’s computers can tell them. As Sidious finalizes his escape plan, Harch launches an attack and Thrawn arrives, finding he has to prove his abilities to the Republic High Command before being given the command he wishes. Then Ranma and Shaak once more leave Wayland to follow up on a single specific piece of information. A traitor among the Jedi makes himself known, before Anakin proves that yes, he really is good at electronics, much to the chagrin of the Sith, and both Confederate and Jedi forces move to concentrate on Coruscant.

Heroes of the High Seas- My Hero Academia/One Piece crossover:  Adrift on an ocean whose likeness they have never seen before, frustration, anger, and sadness grip Izuku and company, until the reality of needing to survive pushes this to one side. Some plans are made and secrets come out before they see an island, seemingly uninhabited. There the group goes through a few phases as they come to grips with their new reality, with a few of them stepping up to the plate, while the brainiacs lay down some uncomfortable truths, and back home, their disappearance is discovered, causing a heap ton of reactions. Izuku and Momo eventually cajole the others into moving on. Their newly made ship sets sail only to eventually find themselves witness what looks like a hostile takeover of a truly incredible looking, if strange, caldera-like island. There the group run into their first Devil Fruit users. A rather large, hot-headed individual makes a mistake as to who to try and kidnap, before shown that teamwork trumps size, after which the heroes, are welcomed by the island’s population, finally getting many of their questions answered, while Melissa and Mei try to figure out where to go from here in terms of technology and Izuku and Kiri have a starry-eyed, Manly Moment when they hear about Marines.

Yeah, I bet you all can see which story I put in here just to see how it would do.  Honestly, I am doing this for a number of reasons.  How many of my patrons who have joined up since the teaser chapter of this work would like to see it continued.  How well it does in relation to Bhaalson Remodel over in the patron Only poll, is also a question.  And finally, I am kind of feeling guilty about not being able to get FILFy up this month.  I know all of you said that my health comes first, but even so, this is annoying to me, and I feel like I should at least put in the opportunity that my patrons will get a second story in August to make up for it.

This poll will count as a Small Story Poll for August - and yes, that means Horse, if it wins, will be a small story.  The Large Story Poll will be posted on the tenth, when this poll closes.



Actually this is one of those I didn't even know you had written, but, since that is the case I think I will have to go for horse

Stephen Foltz jr

i place all my bets on gods and devils