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Hey guys and gals! With Stallion of the Line out (thanks go to Tomon and Hiryo for their work), it is time to post the Small Story July poll.

And as always, a sitrep: Making Waves is about 2/3rds done. I should have it finished in two days and sent off to it’s editors. I will be posting a response to the Tiny Questions thread later today, because one point nearly everyone who mentioned it seemed to agree on is they want to see some of my fics finished. So that I might put into a actual numbers based poll.

Anyway, the choices for the small story poll are:

Gods and Devils and Wild Horses, Oh My – Ranma/Highschool DxD crossover: While a Very Big Man uses his Very Large Voice in the Vatican, Ranma is subjected to a few more last moments of eye-dropping goodness. Afterward, Ranma and the others head back to Kuoh, where they discover a human cockroach by the name of Happosai has moved in. This causes even more issues when Happosai discovers the extra-human nature of Rias and many of the other devils before an Angel contemplates Falling just to kill a perverted cockroach. Eventually however, Ranma decides to bite the bullet after getting some good advice, has a conversation with his friends. Rias and Saeko butt heads for a bit, while Koneko has her own long-overdue conversation, with someone who is technically a fugitive. This does not go anywhere near where either she or the other participant could ever have foreseen because of truths coming out and Happosai butting in. Meanwhile, Gabriel, after having been thoroughly humiliated, receives a call to come home, makes some promises, and passes on some information while Ranma gets some news, and he and Saeko make plans, with a certain redhead aiding and abetting.

A Third Path to the Future – Marvel/HP crossover: A final stop on the way home results in many tears and much joy as the Starjammers realize that the Shi’ar empire has been shattered, and their great enemy, D’ken, slain. Alex is faced with a choice, while Harry gives his father both a job and an ultimatum. Meanwhile, back on Earth Dani is placed in the position of team leader on another hunt. While Dani is busy, other matters demand Emma and Scott’s attention and in space, final work is completed on the last of the stolen Kree ships, and Charles’ work with Dr. Banner ends. Harry and the others return but the payment of Jean’s aid in this endeavor coming due all at once. Regardless, the name of the game at that point becomes rest and recuperation, with hilarious results a few revelations and several important discussions followed by a wedding as Harry finally starts to get behind the creation of his nation and push. Yet this downtime is not to last, as elsewhere, Thor and his band finally reach the roots of the world tree, beginning the countdown to a final conflict with Those Who Watch Above in Shadow.

Stallion of the Line – Ranma/One Piece crossover: With the end of Aqua Laguna, plans are made and the pirates start training once more, while Chopper continues his work, only to have to fight off an attempt to kidnap him. Elsewhere, a pink-haired captain meets with a black-haired Empress and plans are laid to defeat this rising piratical power. The Adam wood arrives, allowing work to really start on the New (as yet unnamed) Resolve, with Laki, Franky and Luffy working on it and arguing in turns. Meanwhile, Akainu comes home to a cold reception and is given his orders, orders which will spell a fiery end for many a pirate crew. As Resolve goes through some growing pains, Garp arrives with his Fists of Love itching like crazy for more than one head. The result of that ‘discussion’ is interrupted by the soft-spoken Makino, who gains the pirates a bit more time, while Garp does the one thing no other marine would: apologize. A few days pass with work becoming ever more frantic and new bounties arrive, forcing Franky to admit to a choice he has long since made. Garp’s procrastination is noticed at last and orders are given even he cannot ignore, forcing the pirates to run, unveiling their new ship in spectacular fashion.

Fate Touched in Middle Earth – HP/Tolkien crossover: Bilbo and Thorin lead a desperate attempt to escape the mountain before the dragon blood madness descends on Thorin with a vengeance, forcing Fili to step up as leader, dealing with his comatose uncle and the beginnings of gold-hysteria beginning in the older dwarves. Harry proves to not be nearly as badly wounded as feared the instant they lay him out under the light of the the sun, but doesn’t wake, still dealing with magical exhaustion and some very strange, if uplifting, dreams. A way forward avoids the dwarves and their ally for now, forcing them to remain there, while Gandalf and his guards arrive in Lake Town, bearing grim tidings. Waking, Harry finds Gandalf having arrived along with many men from Lake-Town and Fili, with Thorin’s approval, agreeing to take the townsfolk into Erebor. Work begins on first removing the dragon and cleansing the interior, a task that is almost as hard as slaying the dragon in the first place, if not as fraught. More and more humans arrive, giving the dwarves hands to aid, while Bilbo continues his work, creating a kind of barrier to keep the humans and dwarves away from the gold. A certain stone is found without much fuss, with secrets shared.  The Elven army under Thranduil arrives along with Dain and the dwarves of the Iron Hills, forcing a diplomatic talk in the shadow of a dead dragon. Harry and Tauriel have some human-type romantic time while work continues on preparing for the battle, but all too soon, the orcs arrive, beginning the battle of the Mountain.

This poll will end on the 23rd. I doubt I’ll start work on it at that point, but we will see how work goes on the Large Story winner. Nor will I take part in this poll this time. In August I think I’ll take part in all three polls to push for the fics which haven’t been updated in a while.



Last chapter of Fate touched was so good I want the next one lol.


Gods and Devils and Wild Horses oh my! or Stallion of the Line!