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Hello all! I hope you have all enjoyed the latest chapter of Stallion and Bhaalson, and part 1 of Fate Touched. Anyway, I know I wasn’t as good as normal about answering back to specific points raised in the latest questions chapter. But I will be going back and answering more today and tomorrow so if you raised specific points you wanted me to address, I will be getting to you soon.

Right now, I will post below the general opinion I was able to glean from all your responses to the questions I posed.

Stallion of the Line:

1. Well, if you read the latest chapter you know part of why I asked about which other Supernova rookies was least interesting. Capone is going to have a very hot time of it, and then I might remove one more. That one more, taken from the general opinion, is Scratchman Apoo. Uroge the priest was second, but I think I’ll keep him around for a bit. I really would like to know what his ship is like, but since he was somehow in the air when we were first introduced to Kaidou…

2. Hiryo was the only one who gave me anything about why Aokiji would join Blackbeard, and even that was making a mountain our of a past molehill. Yes, Aokiji was never really happy as a marine, and I can see the WG learning about his logia power and forcing him somehow to join up. However, that’s a wide ocean away from joining with Mr. ‘I eat my enemy’s heart to take his power’  Blackbeard. So if Aokiji survives to that point, I might have to come up with a reason myself.

3. This one people were torn about, but generally, everyone seemed to agree Kuma wasn’t strong enough to send the crew away without consequences. Honestly, if there was a way to get the guys to the islands they could learn on best without it being too pulled out of my ass (not a safe place) I would do it, but as it is, we will have to see. I definitely want Franky, Nami, and Chopper to go where they did in canon, but getting them there is going to be weird. We’ll have to see.

4. Perona interested people as a character, while the general consensus seemed to be that Busoshoku should stop the ghosts, but not the negativity aspect. So that’s what we’ll go for. As for Perona herself, she might be loyal to Mr Shadow, but that didn’t extend to putting her life on the line, really. So her running and maybe hiding on the Straw Hat’s ship could be possible.

{And speaking of that ship… ooh do I have plans there…}


1. This one was pretty darn clear. Everyone thought that the Shadows/Asgardian segment should be separate from the Thanos issue. That will take some doing, but we will have to work with it.

2. LOL. Several people wanted Spidey with MJ if he joins, forgetting that MJ’s with Wyatt at the moment. I could make them break up, but not for a while. As for his joining, that again split people down the middle. But I think Tomon and Steven Stirling said it best: Spidey’s best at ground level. So whatever else he’ll stay where he is, in New York. Harry and he will finally open communications, and Harry will help him get better press, and when the invasion comes I’ll use him as a POV. But he won’t join the Custodes.

3. Apocalypse got no love. I’ll probably show a brief blurb of him in the last chapter of the fic, and hint at the fact he’s gone in the next chapter, but that’s about it for him. Thanks guys!

4. Few commented on this one. So I will have to come up with a uniform I think. Not like Star Trek though, and when I do it, it will include a freaking helmet/spacesuit, unlike in far too many Sci-fi shows.

Making Waves:

1. Here the consensus among those who commented on it was that there was little interest in showing much but the most important bits of what’s going on with anyone but Ranma. That’s fine. I can just show few ‘oh, we’re here’ scenes, and an Erza combat scene right before Ranma and co. come back.

2. Here, few people commented, and those that did thought it was interesting. But there actually wasn’t a LOT of interest in the idea as a whole. So no robo-girls. Machias yes, but no mechanical waifus. And Kariston Draconis, I will admit the American ships in Azur Lane are good, but for sheer cuteness give me the Kancolle Prinz Eugen and for tomboy sexiness, Musashi!

3. Nope on this one. So I will be making OC names for the giant people.


1.  Once more mixed reviews on this one. In general, the tech seemed to be a selling point to those who thought the SSi-ruu were an interesting concept, and that’s saying something since, come on, dinosaur aliens. There’s been a whole cartoon made on that concept LOL. I also have to say that I looked back at the original book and the force levels… and came away appalled at the small size of the combatant forces. The Ssi-ruu just don’t have the manpower/ships necessary to be a threat during the Clone Wars. A single Lucrehulk task group would be enough to beat them if handled well. So if I do introduce them they will be the equivalent of the Sith/others that Ranma and Shaak have dealt with, enemies for a short amount of time then dealt with. Their tech now… Palpatine’s always been good at squirreling away interesting tech…

2. Here, I think I should have been clearer, or broken up the question into two similar ones. Essentially I wanted to see if people were interested in the large scale space combat scenes since, with Thrawn becoming a character in both works, I might have to show more such, especially in Horse, since there I have made a conscious effort of not showing too much away from Ranma and Shaak. Most seemed to think summarizing or cutting down on details of said fights away from important characters was the way to go, but several people liked the way I’ve been doing it. So I will leave this one up in the air for now.

The Broader question:

Everyone seemed to think this was a good idea save a few Magic fans, and even there, several thought it would be good to finish ATP or FILFy sooner. So I will keep ATP in the small story poll. I think if I can stick to 30,000 or less chapters for it, and it wins (not at all a given) I could finish it in 7-9 chapters.

Oh, and I saw someone mention my take on Egypt. I can’t find your post now – can’t remember where I saw it – but since you also posted over on fanfic, I will reply there.

And now to the part you all have been waiting for since the moment you saw the title of this post, LOL.

The winner was, of course, FILFy Teacher, 2848 to Horse for the Force’s 2396. Honestly it looked a lot closer than that until I got above the two-hundred and fiftieth vote. After that it turned against Horse pretty badly. So I will start work on FILFy Teacher tomorrow.



Aokiji could desert but the world government to keep at least partial control over him would make him a Shichibukai. If Morya were to die Perona would become a permanent member of the crew and she would allow Ranma to use the Shishi Yokodane at will. I doubt Ace will survive and maybe Margaret could get the fruit out of him? In this case, she could recreate the technique used against Saffron together with Ranma. But were the CP9 Kabuki techniques based on Ki?