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June Large Story Poll

  • FILFy Teacher \u2013 romance, adventure, war, world building, two ancient minds bring magical war to Egypt 226
  • Horse For the Force - action, adventure, character interaction, comedy, warfare, information coming to light despite the best Sidious can do 159
  • 2021-05-23
  • —2021-06-02
  • 385 votes
{'title': 'June Large Story Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'FILFy Teacher \\u2013 romance, adventure, war, world building, two ancient minds bring magical war to Egypt', 'votes': 226}, {'text': 'Horse For the Force - action, adventure, character interaction, comedy, warfare, information coming to light despite the best Sidious can do', 'votes': 159}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 6, 2, 1, 58, 5, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 5, 23, 2, 1, 34, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 385}


Hey All! 

Sorry I haven't been very good about responding to people's specific responses to the latest round of questions, but RL has been busy and the next chapter of Stallion is a beast! So many fight scenes, and it is a Large Story, nod a medium one LOL! 

Anyway, Tomon and I are going through the chapter in bits - to speed up the work on it and let us look at each scene in depth - and it will be up by the end of the month.  That's about all I can say. 

I also finished a next episode style installment of Semblance of Hope, and have sent it off to Hiryo.  I am about 2/3rds of the way through Bhaalson, and have Fate written up until they enter the mountain - split my attention due to my inability to think in terms of the whole, giant dragon undergroudn fight thing, and figured the dungeon crawl in Bhaalson would be a good segue. They both happen underground, anyway.

That being said, I wish to get a jump on June's Large Story Poll.  The choices for June are:

FILFy Teacher – Highschool DxD crossover/HP: After bringing in more aid from Danan, Harry’s investigation continues, not realizing that the enemy is already observing him and has stepped up their game in response. As Harry comes closer to the truth, the enemy strikes, forever changing the face of not only Egypt but the world in general. The Wizarding World reacts in prototypical heavy-handed fashion, locking Egypt out from the rest of the world in order to keep the secret of magic, helping to cut Harry and the others in Egypt already off from their allies as war erupts from one end of the Nile to the other. As Rias is called in by her returned brother and the other Maou for her opinion on this, the world trembles and Harry and his allies fight back with the aid of locals and old acquaintances whose timing was practically Potter-like.  The war escalates quickly on the land and in the air as Tiamat goes to war, Harry fights a god in their mutual domain, and Kiba becomes the fulcrum of keeping Alexandria from collapsing into blood and horror. Stabilizing the front means little elsewhere as the Harvest occurs, and plans long laid move to fruition despite Harry’s best efforts. An assault force is broken off to follow up a lead led by the Lightning Queen, but if they will arrive in time to stop the Harvest is anyone’s guess.

Horse for the Force-Ranma/SW crossover: An angered and frustrated Ranma decides to make a statement, inadvertently becoming a music video icon the Republic over while Shaak Ti decides she might have to defend her territory once more. Work on the computer starts to see a few breakthroughs while Tyrannus attempts to gather more ships to attack the system, but find it isn’t easy, the Republic has begun to bounce back elsewhere, despite not having enough ships to do it. More reinforcements arrive, turning Wayland into a fortress. Ranma and Shaak are requested to help break an assault on a Jedi Agri-world, before being recalled in order to learn even more of what Wayland’s computers can tell them. As Sidious finalizes his escape plan, Harch launches an attack and Thrawn arrives, finding he has to prove his abilities to the Republic High Command before being given the command he wishes. Then Ranma and Shaak once more leave Wayland to follow up on a single specific piece of information.  A traitor among the Jedi makes himself known, before Anakin proves that yes, he really is good at electronics, much to the chagrin of the Sith.

The poll will go until the 1st of June.  At which point I will then decide which stories to put into the Small Story Poll, since who wins this poll will give me a good idea of how much time/work is going ot go into the large story.  That will then run until the 14th, at which point the new patron only story rotation will be posted.  Expect me to take part in one of those two polls so I don't kill myself with overwork LOL.

Hope you have a good weekend guys and gals!



Filfy Teacher! Haven't had a new chapter in a while!