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March2021 Small Story Poll.

  • Fate Touched in Middle Earth \u2013 character interaction, comedy, adventure, combat, violence, SMAUG. Enough said. 94
  • FILFy Teacher \u2013 world building, combat, investigations, war, magic, Ancient plans coming to fruition 69
  • Gods and Devils and Wild Horses oh my - ecchi humor, romance, comedy, action, chaos in various forms thanks to Happy 62
  • Third Path to the Future - world building, tiny bit of romance, combat, politics, an Empire falls, as an Emperor gets his comeuppance 138
  • Stallion of the Line - world building, training montage, Lemony goodness, couple-type fun as shadows move 151
  • 2021-03-01
  • —2021-03-20
  • 514 votes
{'title': 'March2021 Small Story Poll.', 'choices': [{'text': 'Fate Touched in Middle Earth \\u2013 character interaction, comedy, adventure, combat, violence, SMAUG. Enough said.', 'votes': 94}, {'text': 'FILFy Teacher \\u2013 world building, combat, investigations, war, magic, Ancient plans coming to fruition', 'votes': 69}, {'text': 'Gods and Devils and Wild Horses oh my - ecchi humor, romance, comedy, action, chaos in various forms thanks to Happy', 'votes': 62}, {'text': 'Third Path to the Future - world building, tiny bit of romance, combat, politics, an Empire falls, as an Emperor gets his comeuppance', 'votes': 138}, {'text': 'Stallion of the Line - world building, training montage, Lemony goodness, couple-type fun as shadows move', 'votes': 151}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 20, 20, 41, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 1, 21, 53, 2, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 514}


Don't read this if you haven't yet read FILFy teacher! Or are interested in that story anyway, because spoilers.

Since FILFy was updated last night on time (sort of) here and on fanfic, it is time to post March’s small story poll. This month there are five choices, since I think that ATP should be updated soon, and I really didn’t like any of the outlined additions to the original outline of the next chapter I had. They just felt too much like useless filler. I love world building, but this wouldn’t be world-building, but this stuff, no. I could have put in a bit about what Cap and Emma specifically have been up to, but that segment could be added into the next chapter just as easily.

Fate Touched in Middle Earth – Tolkien/HP crossover: With Thorin leading the way, for once the party has a pleasant journey up the mountain, although looking for a door that is invisible from the outside isn’t so pleasant. Nor is the waiting, or what awaits inside, as Harry and Bilbo, once the last light etc shines, have to venture inside. Following a map given to them by memory and vague impressions, the two of them head deeper into the mountain, discovering not only that dragons have no sense of interior design, but that yes, Smaug is very much alive, if thankfully sleeping. Scouting around, takes quite some time, but Thorin and Balin are able to come up with a plan to slay the dragon. Through knowledge, making Smaug extremely angry, and the adroit use of the fact that even a dragon needs leverage at times, they take the fight to the dragon, who proves that his conquest of an entire kingdom of dwarves and the destruction of a kingdom of men was not a fluke. Gryffindor courage comes into play as the dragon demands its due in blood, before the final confrontation, one which only one side will survive.

FILFy Teacher – HP/Highscool DxD crossover: Unaware of danger looming thanks to his presence, Harry and his friends continue to split their attention, with Harry and Tonks investigating the magical side of things, having been told there might be wizards involved somewhere instead of ancient magics acting out. While doing so, Harry makes several troubling discoveries, while Issei and Kiba have a run in all on their own, which end up in a running battle as Issei proves his worth with a weird series of spells. Aware now that the local issues might require more numbers, Harry calls some on help just in time as the enemy starts to move, doing several things that even Harry would have thought impossible. Egypt goes up in the flames of ancient magic coming alive and nothing within it will ever be the same again, as long held plans go into action, as the ICW isolates Egypt from the world, keeping the secret of magic via more magic being used throughout the world, causing still more issues worldwide. Alone and cut off, Harry is forced to make a bitter choice, defending what they can, while still searching for clues as to who they might be facing, and where to find them while the enemy’s own plans continue unabated.

Gods and Devils and Horses, Oh My– Ranma/Highschool DxD crossover: While a very big man uses his very large voice in the Vatican, Ranma is subjected to a few more last moments of eye-dropping goodness. Afterward, Ranma and the others head back to Kuoh, where they discover a human cockroach by the name of Happosai has moved in. Eventually however, Ranma deciding to bite the bullet after getting some good advice, has a conversation with his friends, then Rias and Saeko, while Koneko has her own long-overdue conversation, which does not go anywhere near where either she or the other participant could ever have foreseen. Meanwhile, Gabriel, after having been thoroughly humiliated, receives a call to come home, makes some promises, and passes on some information. The next day, Ranma receives some news that he sees as excellent, Rias passes on some news and takes some tests, and plans begin to form both in Kuoh and elsewhere.

A Third Path to the Future – HP/Marvel Crossover:  After checking in with his people, Harry and co. are approached by Deathbird, who want to recruit them. Harry and the others have to decide whether to go with it, or not, and make the final decision on whether or not to commit an act which, even in their own terms, is a war crime. But heavy hangs the head that wears the crown, and Harry, faced with the reality of the self-destructive, hateful pride and nihilism of the Shi’ar, prepare for the inevitable betrayal. A party back on the Shi’ar capital occurs but doesn’t go in any way that the locals or Harry could expect. Vanguard leads his team in, with disastrous results for the Shi’ar Empire as a whole. D’ken reaps the rewards for his various misdeeds at the hands of Havoc, while Harry, Jean and the magic users, bar Steven Strange who refuses to take part, do their part to make all information about them and Earth to disappear. Mission accomplished, the Custodes Mundi leave for earth, with a brief stopover.

Stallion of the Line – Ranma/One Piece crossover: Eating a Logia fruit during a time when the Grand Line weather has decided to crap all over the crew turns out to be a much bigger deal than Ranma expected, resulting in a few near catastrophes and two shocking surprises, one literal, the other figurative. As Water 7 finally comes into view Ranma is able to at least keep his own shape,. After a bit of looking around, the crew reconvene on the Resolve, with Luffy ordering the crew to split up, while he and Robin have some *ahem*. While four other individuals arrive on the island, much to their own anger, Ranma’s anger is roused by the Franky Family’s attempt to dismantle the ship. Ranma and Robin go to ‘talk’ with the group as a whole, while Sanji, Laki, Nami and Makino have their own issues with a robbery attempt before meeting with Mayor Iceberg, who doesn’t seem to be all that interested in them until the name Nico Robin is mentioned. Meanwhile, Zoro and Chopper get lost, and then, to the swordsman’s annoyance, separated. In a bookstore while lamenting about lost swordsmen Chopper becomes the first to realize there are enemies in this lovely city...

This  poll will end on the 20th and it will, obviously, be third in my priorities this month.



wonder why gods and devils is not getting much interest?


Eh, I think maybe people get their dxd fix from FILFy. That and maybe the lack of lemons up to this point in comparison.


For me it's the most likely Ranma story I can get which gets my vote. ;)


Gotta vote for ATP here, it's been a while