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The Future of Semblance and Other Things

  • Yes, Semblance is interesting enough, I\u2019d like to see tiny episode-type blurbs of it until it\u2019s finished here on Patreon. 168
  • No, drop Semblance, it isn\u2019t interesting at all. Give me more Death\u2019s Avenger NOW! 91
  • I don\u2019t care about Semblance! Keep the current Homage Episodes going! 38
  • I think you should just keep the current format and not bother with trying to add more, dropping the Homage Episodes too. 25
  • 2021-01-03
  • 322 votes
{'title': 'The Future of Semblance and Other Things', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes, Semblance is interesting enough, I\\u2019d like to see tiny episode-type blurbs of it until it\\u2019s finished here on Patreon.', 'votes': 168}, {'text': 'No, drop Semblance, it isn\\u2019t interesting at all. Give me more Death\\u2019s Avenger NOW!', 'votes': 91}, {'text': 'I don\\u2019t care about Semblance! Keep the current Homage Episodes going!', 'votes': 38}, {'text': 'I think you should just keep the current format and not bother with trying to add more, dropping the Homage Episodes too.', 'votes': 25}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 3, 0, 9, 2, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 322}


Hello everybody, and welcome to 2021! Hope New Years treated you all well, and that you are staying happy and safe.

So, with that out of the way, I have to confess to some frustration. I wish I could say that I had a lot of Semblance done, and could finish it off no problem, updating that long forgotten story without slowing things down for January. I can’t.  I barely have 2,000 words of it finished bar the in depth outline.

Furthermore, I liked writing up Death’s Avenger. I thought it was fun and would love to continue it. I thought Heroes of the High Seasbefore that was fun. And I enjoyed getting back to GDWHOM. But that’s just it, I like all my stories, and I, being just one guy, do NOThave time for all of them.

It is therefore apparent that something needs to be done. And I think I have kind of stumbled upon a solution. The Homage Episodes, and my idea from back in November about posting smaller chapters. I like giving you all something mid-month, rather than at the end of the month in a large clump, and it is certain that I find smaller episodes easier to plan around my bigger works. So I think that the solution here it to replace the Homage Episodes with smaller, 10,000 -12,000 word Semblancechapters. And then after the story is finished, combining them into chapters and posting them over on fanfic.

NOTE: this doesn’t mean Semblance will become a CHYOA type story. It would just be smaller chapters, two per month.

Similarly, I could do it for Making Waves.  It is the closest Patron only story to completion. I would estimate six more 30-40,000 word chapters, or twelve smaller Episode type chapters. So when it doesn’t win the poll or isn’t a part of it (much more likely) I would keep the story going one month to the next. And after its done, I would add Heroesinto the rotation, and maybe pick up Death’s Avenger for the episode-sized updates.

A small addendum: If this idea goes forward, I would feel obligated to put my votes towards a random HP crossover work in the small story poll. That way my HP only fans would also be getting something every month.

SO tell me what you all think, both by voting, and if you have a larger opinion, with your words!



semblance is really my only dip other than a basic bit of info into RWBY, so id be happy to see it continue in any format.

Arkos Sloth

Smaller story posts is fine. Whatever helps you write, honestly. I'm here to support you. Do whatever makes you comfortable.