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Hello everyone and welcome to December. That of course means it is time to end the December Patron Gift poll and post the various December polls. Be on the lookout for them over the next hour. As per usual, each of them will have a different end date, showing the priority of the various stories going forward. And remember there is no large story poll this month. There will instead be two small story polls, one Ranma, one Hp. Semblance of Hope, which I said I will update on top of everything else, will be updated last. Since it’s a small chapter type story, I think I can better work on it when I am at the family gathering occurring this year.

I would also like to welcome our {} new members. Please try the cake, it is not a lie. If you have any questions, suggestions, or thoughts on any of my stories here or over on fanfic, feel free to send me a PM. I am always willing to talk shop, and I’m usually pretty good at getting back to you. Just be aware that while I see a notification if you post a response to a thread, I don’t see one if you respond to a response.

How these polls work is simple: you vote, I weigh those votes. This means that for every dollar you donate, you get four (4) votes to use in eachpoll however you wish. That is, in December, four (4) votes in the HP small story poll, four (4) votes for the Ranma small story poll, and finally four (4) votes in the December patron-only story poll. You cannot double down in one poll or another unless I indicate so, which I haven’t in a long while.

Some polls are not weighted. Most of these are just opinion questions, although the Anime Addventure Homage episodes I started a few months back (Wonder About Zero, Ranma/Henrietta, several large changes) are now not weighted either.

It’s always a good idea to wait until the winner is announced. If it is at all close, and occasionally if it isn’t, the winner can change due to the weighing of the votes. I also occasionally put in my own votes, which can range from 400 and up in a month depending on several factors. Most of those factors deal with either updating a story which hasn’t seen an update in a long while, or trying for a 2:2 Ranma to Harry balance.

On the other hand, sometimes you can predict the outcome pretty darn easily…

Heroes of the High Seas placed third, with only 984 votes. I guess I won’t continue to branch out into a new fandom for a while… WAAAH.

Only a bit higher, the idea of seeing more Homage Episodes than is planned (2 at most) brought in 1188.

And obviously, in an overwhelming victory, is the idea of an Harry Potter/World of Warcraft crossover. It brought in a total of 2666 votes, more than equaling the votes both other choices brought in.

So that will be my Holiday present to my patrons.  I want to remind everyone though, that this will be a TEASER. I will not be following up on it for a good long while. I want to finish at least one, maybe even two of my existing stories before following up on any of my teaser or outlined story concepts. The only exception to this idea would have been the short, 5-9,000 word episodic Choose-your-own-adventure type of story like the Homage episodes, but very few people wanted to see me go down that road.

Oh, and NTluck. I have begun working on an outline for that story idea you shot me about Ranma/Three Kingdoms era. I should be able to get an outline done by Christmas regardless of everything else. There are a few ways I can take it, so we’ll see. But again, it will just be an outline. There’s no chance of my following up on it more than that.



Well it's interesting that we are going to read a new Harry Potter/Warcraft story. It's still a little disappointing that Heroes of the High Seas didn't win. I really want to see that story continue. Hopefully, in the future you can write more of it in the future.


You and me both. I think someone needs to figure out a way to clone people. Specifically, me LOL.

Christian Jeffress

Thank you very much for all the hard work you put into your stories