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Happy Thanksgiving! For those of you who celebrate it anyway, I know I’ve got some overseas fans LOL.  Just as an aside, I am going to post two chapters, one Bhaalson Remodel, one Making Waves over on fanfic soon as a Thanksgiving Present. Normally I’d only do one, and then have had one on Halloween, but it took the people over at fanfic so long to fix whatever was going on there that I decided to wait. Hiryo has also gotten Horse for the Force back to me, and I will be going over it tomorrow, then either posting it or sending it on to M B for further editing.

Anyway, on to the questions.

On Adobe: A lot of people thought this was an instead of word doc question for some reason. I merely meant should I provide an Adobe version of the patron-only stories, not just an Adobe doc. So, since some of you did evince an interest in this, in the future I will start doing that., It doesn’t add any extra work to me, and if some people want to read their stories that way, that’s enough for me.

Similarly, I think I will provide new word/Adobe versions of new fanfic chapters on here from now on. That gives you all three different formats to choose from, and this way, if fanfic has issues again, you all can still see the chapter (and if that does happen I will think very hard about moving my stuff onto AO3). In the words of Justin Sully, redundancy is good. I would only ask that if you do come here to use the word doc or the adobe version that you leave reviews in the thread page please?

And now onto the tougher questions. These I will break down further into smaller chunks, since this was mixed in with the format of the HP/WoW story I will probably be writing in December. It’s not official until I weigh the poll but looking at the voting… Anyway, I will also provide specific answers to some of the responses to this point in the question thread.

First of all, looking at the responses, Nearly everyone was against the idea of having the HP/WoW be choose your own adventure. I thought it was an amusing idea simply because of the exploration aspect of the story, but I admit that Delphinous, Tomon, M B and John Druitt had fantastic points on this score in terms of world building. So that is not going to happen. The only one of you who made a great argument in favor of this format was Madhur Poddar, and he felt that was because the world building could possibly go as insane as it has in ATP.

He’s right too. It could. But because so many people were against the idea of choose-your-own-adventure, if I put out a chapter out for the HP/WoW concept, remember it is a TEASER. I will not take up the story in earnest until Semblance of Hopeand one other story is finished.

On choose -your-own-adventure in general: People seem to either like this or hate/not read the current one. But in general those people reading it seem to be enjoying the Wonder Ranma of Zero posts as they are and have enjoyed getting stuff mid-month to read. So that is going to continue.

Beyond that, the whole idea of smaller chapters of the Patreon only stories more often, few people addressed this point as written, with Zachary Mueller, Scott and Hiryo giving the best advice. However, enough people mentioned that they like the larger story chapters, that I will continue that format. In the future, I will try (I know I’ve said this before) to have the votes of the Patron Only stories done ahead of time, so that I will post the patron-only chapters halfway through the month or even before that. We will see how that works LOL.

On the Wonder Ranma of Zero posts: I will definitely continue these until January. At that point, I will make the decision of continuing them on because we will have reached the point where the original thread had finished. I would say that I have enjoyed it a lot. I like Henrietta. I like Ranma. I like FINALLY playing with Makoto – for the short bits I’ve done with her. And since it’s already in CYOA episode format, I can continue it like that, and use it as breaks from my bigger stories. We’ll see. What cannot occur is it taking up more than a day per every ten or so.

Oh, and I was asked in a message to post a new ETA on when I could see the various fics that are currently alive finishing up. I’ll try to provide a tiny bit more info this time without giving any specific spoilers. And no, HotHS is not on here. That would just be cruel.

Semblance of Hope: 9 small chapters. It’s not a story which lends itself to an ending where everything is tied up in a pretty bow and it frankly has NEVERbeen popular enough to turn it into one. The lack of support on this one just makes me really depressed when I think about it. Frankly, depending on how well I get back into the RWBY groove I might just put this on hold permanently until Making Waves is done.

A Third Path to the future: 8-9 large to medium chapters. Note that mere chapter size doesn’t tell the full story with this one, there’s a lot to research LOL. But I intend to have the story end soon after a certain ‘Round 2, fight!’ occurs. I realize there will probably still be stuff to explore, but at that point, the various existing plotlines will have been wrapped up.

Horse for the Force: 10- 11 large to medium chapters. It’s not going to be ‘pretty ending’ but I think I can see the war becoming a cold war after a bit, and after the Sith are removed from the equation and Ranma and Shaak removing themselves from further conflict at that point. Ranma isn’t the kind of character who would then stick around to try and help create a new government, and Shaak wouldn’t torture him by trying to make him do so.

Magic of the Force: your guess is as good as mine. Certainly more than 12, maybe as many as 20. The war has just begun, and unlike with Ranma, there’s going to be a good deal of the strategic side of things being shown, and Harry, as a leader, is going to be in the thick of things even if/when the shooting stops, although I don’t intend to show much of the after-war stuff.

Making Waves: Honestly depends. I am not as into the Alvarez Empire characters as I am the rest, so I don’t know what to do about the conflict there, but with Zeref gone, it opens up a lot of possibilities. I also would like to do some type of cultivation-type exploration of the continent. I would say no more than 10 more chapters. But this would be a story that lends itself to a nice, neat ending is possible, and the chapters have varied wildly in size, so don’t quote me on that.

A fate Touched in Middle-Earth: Oooh, another tough one. I would like to world build a bit in this one just because Tolkien’s world is so fun and plain magnificent. Harry going exploring is always fun. I would also perhaps like to have a tiny bit of Harry/Tauriel travel-romance… but it might not happen. So, say around, er, 30 more chapters in total, with six more coming from the Hobbit stuff and it’s aftermath? Remember also this is one of the newest stories.

Gods and Devils and Wild Horses, Oh My: This is another story that just isn’t all that far along. I can kind of see it ending in 25 or so small chapters, but that is just a guess. I would say this story will be more effected by the romance aspect and where that goes than Fate Touched. I also intend to do more ‘are these legends real’ type exploration rather than full-scale world building, and I am NOT going to follow canon at all beyond a certain point.

Bhaalson Remodel and Sword, Bow and Horse: same as above. No way of knowing really. I could tell you more after the war against Thenardier is done in Bow, which is two chapters, maybe three before I can figure out more. And once more, romance is going to play a major part in how long the story goes and in which direction. As for Harry, I can figure it out after Harry and co. Reach Baldur’s Gate the city, but that is well in the future. Here romance will play a smaller part, but there is significantly more small and medium plotlines I want to include.

Stallion of the line: 17+ and by plus I mean possibly quite a bit more. I have it loosely planned out up to their second adventure in the New World, but after that it is either going to be pure world building, or Oda’s going to have come out with more stuff that I’ll use. Romance will be a part of it obviously, but it won’t detract from the thrust of the story or add overmuch to the chapter size.

FILFy Teacher: This one might be a surprise to a lot of people. I can see FILFy Teacherending in 12 large chapters or so.  More smaller chapters of course. The romance is mostly set, the world-building has been immensely fun and will continue, but the list of direct-combat type enemies is small and after a certain point, I would say that the story will come to a natural conclusion.

Once more, thank you all for giving me your feedback like this, it was much appreciated. Stay safe, warm and turkey-fed people!



Happy thanks giving. Also thank you for the update

Jacob White

Ah but you forgot one. When is Lion of Light going to finish? I know that Herd in Space and Changes to the Food Chain were mostly teasers to eventually come back to but Lion of Light is the story that introduced me to your works. Was always sad when I scroll through your fanfiction page to see if I wanted to reread one of your finished works and find that one sitting lonely at the bottom of the page unfinished and unloved. I would vote for you to go back to that story before starting another one personally.


While I too would wish for Herd, Food Chain and Lion to finally be completed... we must remember that the source material for those three does not have the popularity or interest of most of Vimes' reader's. Also, it could be that Vimes himself has lost interest, his muse for those stories is either dead or on vacation, or that he feels that they don't need to be finished. Patrons we may be, but ultimately it's Vimes' choice on what he writes. We only have a say because he gives us one through the polls. Hopefully interest in his unfinished works picks up later, but there's already so much on his plate already. Don't want to burn him out all together by asking for more than he's willing to give.


Razgriz0x is correct. I lost interest in the Rosario Vampire world almost the moment I tried to write in it. I didn't like any of the characters beyond Inner Moka and Kurumu, I hated the school setting, and the typical 'normal guy becomes great through the actions of the girls around him' think with Tsukune. And I genuinely like Tsukune as a character, just not how he gained power. Then too, that series would mostly be a curb-stomp Humanity RAWR kind of thing, and while OP is fun, it isn't really my thing. As for Lion Of Light, it suffers from two things: one the original uses time travel. I HATE TIME TRAVEL. Cannot say this enough. Two, I think that story shows my lack of experience in terms of harem creation. Looking back on it, while I like the fact Nabiki and Kasumi both came with Ranma, I think I should have had him become involved with only one of them. I should have made certain that Sheila would not become involved with Ranma romantically. Oddly enough though, I don't have a problem with Brit and Ranma eventually getting together. I think it's slow enough and realistic enough to make sense, even if Brianna's already with Ranma. But beyond that, my muse for this story just died. I might, emphasis on might, come back to it and take it through the tournament arc, but that's about it. That time travel crap looming in the future just gives me the shivers.

Jacob White

That's understandable and I wasn't so much suggesting you go back to either of the teaser ones since I figured with the lack of interest they would fall to the wayside. I was mostly commenting on the fact that I hoped you might have gained enough break or new inspiration for Lion that if you put it to vote I would vote for continuing Lion over a new story. It just always seemed such a waste to abandon a story that is already so long. That being said I don't know anything about the source for Diggers half so if you say they have time travel and you hate it then I can understand and simply express my regret. I will simply keep hoping something eventually tickles your fancy to go back to it.