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Alright people, while this is technically a day late, finishing ATP off and getting it out to Kathryn518 took precedence, coupled with that last kiss scene between Ranma and Henrietta in the Anime Addventure Episode 8. I ended up writing almost all of that from scratch alas, along with the rest of the fic – which, BTW, only took me a day LOL. Nearly 10,000 words in a single day, I’ll take that. Kathryn518 has gotten ATP back to me already as well, and I will be going through it then sending it off to its second editor tonight.

At this time, I would like to take the time to welcome back a few of you who had run into RL issues in the past. I noticed several recognizable names in the new patron alerts this month.  Of course, that means you all know how these polls work LOL.

For those of you who are new instead of returnees, these polls can be a little tough to understand, since most of the polls here are what I call weighted. For every dollar you donate, you gain four (4) votes you can put into each of the polls in any given month you wish to participate in. That means, if you donate a dollar, you have four votes to use in the small story poll, each of the Anime Addventure Homage polls, and the large story and patron only polls.

On the other hand, you cannot double down, even if you don’t vote in any of the other polls.

Anyway, here are the results of the small story poll for October:

In last place, with 648 total votes including 71 from fanfic is GDWHOM. Huh. Swimsuits aren’t as much a draw as combat, who knew?

In third place starting from 700 from me – 400 votes on my own per month, plus 300 rolled over from last month, used here to try to get this story updated (RGAAAA!) is Semblance of Hope. It brought in 30 votes over on fanfic, and, with my votes involved, scored 1,914. I had hoped, I had plotted, but no! Sigh.

Stallion of the line came in second, with an extremely strong showing on fanfic with 102, and a total of 1,929.

But in first, carried by it’s first place showing on fanfic with 240, was FILFy Teacher, bringing in2,184 votes!

So the small story this month will be FILFy Teacher.

…Yeah. My votes once more mattered not at all, wah…

Anyway, this is positive proof that these polls need to be even: by which I mean, two HP fics, and two Ranma fics. This way the voting along fandom lines is split so that each in turn is weakened.

To that end, I will remove Semblance of Hope entirely from this poll. It will be updated in December, and then every 4 months after. The month before (March as an example) I will post a weighted poll to decide if this will replace the small story or the patron only story for that month.  Waiting until December lets me start this rotation in a more organized manner.

In so doing, I will be able to keep both GDWHOM and Stallion in this poll going forward. FILFy and ATP will be rotated in and out, with Fate Touched becoming once more a permanent fixture here. In November, ATP will be here in the small story poll, and FILFy will join Magic and Horse in the Large Story poll (which will thus not be even, hint, hint).

As always, my votes will go on the story that has not been updated in the longest amount of time.  Since I attempted to use last months and this months together, that means in November, I'll be down to just 400.  

I will also continue to share the Addventure Homage polls going forward into November. At least until the large story poll winner is announced for November.  At least this way my Ranma fans will continue to be fed snacks throughout the month, if not full meals.  And there is still the Patron Only poll, which will end on the 22nd.



I am very much looking forward to reading more magic of the force. You said you're on a star wars kick lately and I hope that continues.


I also was introduced to your works through Lion of Light. Since then, I have read most of your writing that I can find on ff.net and here.