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September (Already!?) Large Story Poll

  • Horse For the Force: discussions, annoyances, war, violence, the future of the galaxy in flux as Ranma shows his crazy side\u2026 again. 137
  • Magic of the Force: action, some romance, War, Jedi tricks, Sith plans, Harry showing that while he only has one, it is a Very Large Stick 179
  • 2020-09-01
  • —2020-09-19
  • 316 votes
{'title': 'September (Already!?) Large Story Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Horse For the Force: discussions, annoyances, war, violence, the future of the galaxy in flux as Ranma shows his crazy side\\u2026 again.', 'votes': 137}, {'text': 'Magic of the Force: action, some romance, War, Jedi tricks, Sith plans, Harry showing that while he only has one, it is a Very Large Stick', 'votes': 179}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 19, 3, 10, 16, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 1, 3, 12, 18, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 316}


And here is the large story poll.  Go Magic, go Magic LOL! 

Magic of the Force - SW/HP Crossover: The war begins officially and many Jedi are called into service in the front lines as, on Sidious's orders, Tyranus puts the screws on the GDL. Planets fall, but the field commanders of the Confederacy are forced to try and answer the question, how do you fight smog and walls at the same time? Anakin is faced with a test of his control once more as the bond between him and Master Windu is tested like never before. Harry and his people get to know their newest member with some complications rearing their heads, while Yoda teaches the whipper-snappers some new tricks, just in time for their mission of picking up more younglings to go pear-shaped. The Tyrant's Bane shows its stuff to a captive audience, while war comes once more to Coruscant, and Padme learns she hasn't trained nearly enough while some recent moves on the Jedi's part come to light and Sidious realizes that no, he really isn't nearly as in control as he thought. 

Horse for the Force- SW/Ranma crossover: Arguments abound as Ranma and Shaak have to play peacemakers when a secret comes out concerning the clone troopers. Bo Katan is incredulous and angry, Ranma dismissive, and the clones tossed about for a time, but eventually an agreement is reached, and the Wild Blade leaves for Wayland. Elsewhere, a Blue-skinned Jedi meets a blue-skinned warlord in exile as Fay finds who the Force has warned her to find. Discussions occur, as VERY different worldviews are discussed. The Wild Blade Reaches it’s destination, finding a battle already going on as the Nova Guard prove to everyone in the galaxy that the Mandos do not have a monopoly on being annoyingly competent when it comes to war. Shaak and Ranma perform a move only Ranma could think up, turning the battle against the attackers. The war continues to escalate elsewhere as a warlord makes a decision…  

This poll will end on the 18th.  As mentioned in the small story poll, I am going to try something new this month.  I hope that in doing so, myself and my beta-readers can cut down on the small mistakes, because I am another month's worth of stories away from saying the Grammarly experiment has failed.



while i love both of these stories and will happy to see either be updated, i wanted to ask a quick question. i know that you aren't interested in starting a new major story, but have you had any thought on how different starwars would have gone if plageuis had defended himself against sideous and been the one running the show? you do such a fun jo of characterizing him in both stories


From canon Plageuis was sleeping, certain in the rise of the Sith, and that he and his apprentice could lead them to victory, both with thier own areas of control. Then he was stabbed through the heart like a little bitch, before being electrocuted a few times as he died. (should have studied sleep-fu). But if he was watching for betrayal, and able to wake up before Sidious could stab him? That would have been a hell of a fight. However, at that time, i think Plaguies could have beaten Sidious. Eventually. Problem is, by that point, to make the Great Plan go forward, Plagueis needed Sidious, Sidious DID NOT need his former master. Without Sidious in position as Chancellor, a lot of the Great Plan's more subtle side would be unworkable. Their political power could well have fallen apart, while with the Banking Clan, the monetary and industrial power would still be in Sith hands. But Plagueis alone could not have played both sides against one another as Sidious does as Chancellor. I could see him going four ways: 1. decide it wasn't the right time, let the Sith once more fade into the background, find another apprentice and wait a few more generations. Continue to erode the Jedi Order's popularity and position, but wait, say, until he had his Vergence to run as Chancellor before launching the last stage of the Great Plan. 2. Angry and bitter at the betrayal, he might decide the New Sith had a point, take over the budding confederacy movement and, while creating his perfect apprentice in a cloning vat (he was obsessed with the use of the Dark Side in creating/shaping life) kill Dooku, and attempt to truly conquer the Republic. With the Centrists in disarray and launching the war say, only two years after the Naboo incident, i would estimate he could indeed pull it off. The Jedi would fight back, but be slowly ground under or forced to embrace emotions like in canon in order to fight more effectively, with many of them falling to the Dark Side. 3. Instantly move to put the blame of Sidious's death on the Trade Federation further isolating them. Meanwhile, take over the training of Dooku, having him fall to the Dark Side, before pushing him into politics to take Sidious's place eventually as Chancellor. This pushes back the Great Plan, and puts it in danger, since while a unknown Force user could hide their presence without bringing attention, a Jedi hiding his Force signature would not be able to do the same. Still it is possible. Honestly the first seems his most viable plan. Not exactly glamorous or dramatic, but there we go.


wow, thanks for the great response. i think you're right, that plagueis is probably patient enough to wait a few more generations, and i don't think he's able to run the clone wars without having a partner/puppet master in the senate.