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Hey guys and girls. A bit of a sitrep.  The first segment, which many might call the ‘boring’ mystery solving segments of FILFy is done at last. Had a major brain freeze when it came to using my DNS for this segment. As an example, I wrote about 10,000 words in three hours via DNS when it came to the combat segments yesterday. In the same amount of time the day before, I wrote four thousand for the mystery solving segments, and had to redo the vast majority of it even more than normal. This story idea took me the same amount of time and didn’t need to be rewritten beyond the need to replace names. 

Still, I should have FILFy finished by Tuesday and then will devote all my time to the Patron Winner and the small story winner. 

Anyway, I needed a break, so I decided address a request from a longtime supporter who is moving house and wanted a new story idea to look at. In this tumultuous time that must be even more stressful than normal, so I thought, since I wasn’t able to finish GDWHOM as fast as I wished or even upload onto Fanfic the next chapter of Making Waves on July 4th as I should have, That I should at least try to come up with a plan for him. Hope the move goes well my man, and that you, and everyone else enjoys this concept.

The plan was to mix Remnant with Tenchi Muyo of all things. So I dusted off an an old plan I made several years ago when I was going through a Tenchi binge. I shifted a few ideas and concepts around, and presto! 

Note though this is another idea that will probably not see the light of day for years if ever. I would want to finish all of my current stories before even considering this one. It was fun to work on, and made for a great break, but that’s all. And naturally, it wasn’t just a RWBY/Tenchi thing, but a RWBY/Tenchi/Ranma thing LOL.

Chaos Knight’s Rise:

Pyrrha had not been having a good day. First she was offered a deal that may well have given her the power to protect the world against an ancient evil, but only at the possible expense of her soul. Second she accidentally killed a android girl that was Ruby’s friend. Then the Grimm invade. Now, after making certain her partner (and love interest) was safe, She found herself engaged in battle against a woman who had stolen those very powers, a battle that was not going her way. Then just when she used her polarity to tear a bell down on top of her enemy the ceiling caved in, and there was a huge explosion, engulfing both Pyrrha and her opponent. 

Now to top all of that off, she wakes up in a forest!? Taking stock, Pyrrha discovers that isn’t the worst thing. The worst thing is, she’s been de-aged too!? “I’m six or seven again I think. Gods does this mean I have to go through puberty again? Wait focus. First, where am I? second, how…how by the Brothers did this happen!? Do I still have my Semblance and Aura? And finally how do I….who’s that?”

Lying nearby is another little girl, but her appearance… “CINDER!?”

While looking for a suitable rock to crush the demon girl’s head in – a move Pyrrha considers pragmatic and forward thinking despite it going against her better nature – she hears voices through the woods, that of a man and a young boy arguing, or in the case of the boy, screaming. Investigating, Pyrrha witnesses a massive bear of a man tying up a boy who looks her own current age with what look like strips of meat while some kind of, of spectral woman is attempting unsuccessfully to cave his head in with her fists.

Uncertain of whether or not the ghost is her imagination (and indeed questioning her sanity quite a bit at present) any thought Pyrrha has about calling out to the two odd people ends as she see the man lift the boy over a pit in the forest floor. Hearing his shouts turn into screams for mercy and the ghost woman also seeming to scream as she keeps on trying to hit the man, Pyrrha attempts to use her polarity power ot find something, anything metallic to hurl at the child abuser. Unfortunately her Semblance doesn’t react, and Pyrrha realize with horror that she doesn’t have her Semblance or Aura any longer. A whispered attempt to activate it for herself fails, although it brings the ghost woman’s attention her way.

Knowing there was no way she could take on an adult man in her current body, Pyrrha, ignoring the ghost woman for a moment, runs back to Cinder, hoping that she might have her fire powers at the least. Good Grief, thinking that would be the lesser of two evils, what in the heck is wrong with my life!? 

By this point, Cinder has woken up from perhaps the worst hangover of all time to the realization that she has somehow been moved from Beacon to a forest and been de-aged to boot. An attempt to conjure up her Maiden powers has also failed. Needless to say, she is not in a very good mood when a mini Pyrrha Nikos leaps out of the nearby woods to tackle her to the ground. 

It is only when instead of trying to kill Cinder, the mini-Pyrrha clamps a hand over her mouth and waves frantically at her own mouth with a finger that Cinder thinks there might be more going on here than she has already seen. A thought reinforced by a truly blood curdling scream, a scream of a young boy being tortured. This sound soon breaks off into a lion-sized yowl of anger. 

The two women set aside their former status of enemies in favor of learning more about what is going on, moving close to the area where they find the young boy out of the pit and trying to carve the older man into tripe while a somewhat teary-eyed ghost girl with cyan-colored hair cheering him on.  Seeing him actually succeeding in doing so, Cinder gives out an involuntary gasp of surprise, alerting the boy to their presence. The two of them try to take up combat stances, but the boy just bowls them over.

After getting their butts tossed around by the young boy while a ghost girl laughs at them in the background, Pyrrha and Cinder both are too tired to move and simply lay there as the boy-cat move around them, before moving over to the ghost girl. Evidently the boy sees the ghost too, which actually relieves Pyrrha and Cinder, who were wondering if it was just them who could see the flying lady. The boy plays around with her for a bit leaping after the flying lady as she dodges and darts around, but eventually his stomach rumbles, and he stops, meows sorrowfully to the ghost girl, then turns, sniffing the air and racing off. 

Cinder watches him go, her seven-year old eyes far more calculating than any young girl’s should be. “He seems to have a destination in mind. We should follow him.”

“What, why? He just beat us both around like…”

“Like a kitten playing with other kittens or a similarly sized cat toy. But if we simply follow along he shouldn’t bother us. And besides, what else can we do? Unless you think that the ghost woman can help us out?”

Both girls turn to stare at the shade of the demon woman, who looked at them then shrugged, gesturing to her mouth as it opens and closes. But no noise reaches them. 

“Right.” Pyrrha looks back at Cinder, who looks back at her, a whole lot of anger in her eyes, but Pyrrha senses that very little of it is directed at her. Both are very uncomfortable with everything that has happened, but at the present, barring this all being some dream brought on by inhaling whatever exploded and sent them here, they are stuck together for now. 

As they follow the boy, the silence between the two girls is strained to say the least. It is broken by Cinder asking perhaps the most important pair of questions.  “Do you have any idea of how we got here? Or Where here is?”

To which neither woman has an answer. They both sigh in unison, hoping that Ranma is leading them to someone who can help explain what the world is happening. Or, barring that, someplace to eat, as both their stomachs rumble in unison…

Things this fic contains:

1. New Worlds, but same old issues. Ranma will still have his fear of cats. Ryoko will still be trapped, only able to go outside her cave jail in ghost form. Cinder will still be an ambitious little witch, Pyrrha will be extremely torn up about the fact they are not in Remnant anymore, and Genma will be Genma, alas.

a. A bit of angst and drama. Cinder and Pyrrha will have it out with one another occasionally, as much as two girls aged seven can anyway. They are not going to become friends for several in-fic years. I mean, Cinder did just kill Ozpin and she was working for the mother of all Grimm. But eventually they will realize they have to put the past behind them in order to get to the bottom of why they are here in the first place. Boy won’t they be surprised...

b. Ranma being the catalyst. He will be the reason why they don’t kill one another several times, why they stay together, and, eventually, why they put the past behind them, while also playing peacemaker. And I laughed aloud as I wrote that.

c. Whole lot of training montages… And Genma bashing. Genma will try to get his son away from the two harridans, the two ‘harridans’ will demand training, but they are nowhere near as gullible as Ranma is. Meaning No Ukyo issues for one thing, and for another, someone who believes Ranma about the ghost lady at the pit of the furry demons. 

d. Base of operations. Ranma and Pyrrha will basically force Genma to return every year or so to the Masaki shrine because of the myster of how they got there and Ryoko, thinking the two tie together. As such they will be around a few aliens showing up in search of the ghost lady and deal with it before canon Tenchi Muyo begins. 

2. Goddess favored. For real this time, but often not in a nice way. Tsunami has her belief that lineage will eventually beget a being more powerful than the three Chousin Sisters. Washu thinks that science and experimentation is the key. Tokimi? She believes that only through chaos and conflict will a being evolve to match or exceed the Chousin. And while staring into the future of Earth she sees a boy who might just be the answer to her prayers… if he can prove himself by surviving the ever hotter fires she decides to throw him into.

a. Moving toys from one’s own box to the park sandbox. Similarly, she has become interested in Remnant, one world among many where she has propagated conflict. As examples of that conflict, she has looked at the futures of Cinder and Pyrrha and decided the deaths they would face in their own world, Pyrrha due to Cinder, and Cinder due to eventual madness, betrayal, and Ruby, and decided such is unfit for them. Moreover, both have a lot of potential, especially as foils for one another and for Ranma. As such, she has sent them to him to see what might come of it.

b. You just thought you were unlucky before. Tokimi is a great believer of testing to the breaking point. And now she has three toys altogether… plus Genma. Can you say chaos magnet X 3 +Trouble^100 = a whole lot of violence and comedy? I knew you could.

c. Blinding Shadows. In favor of keeping other influences away from her new toys/projects, Tokimi will hide all three of them from both her sisters. Even when the three persist in returning to the same area where The Misaki family, a family who severs Tsunami, live.

3. Ever Evolving Ranma. At first, Ranma will only be stronger than Pyrrha and Cinder, but this will change radically when they figure out how to activate their auras. However Ranma is certainly not going to let that stand, even from his friends. What will start as friendly rivalry will continue in much that vein for Pyrrha and Ranma through most of their lives. Cinder is a different case, and will need regular injections of Ranma-style reality readjustment, but will also be growing stronger.

a. Aura and Ki mix oh so well. Eventually through trial and error Cinder and Pyrrha will awaken their Auras, and then eventually their Semblances. Ranma will take a bit longer, but he too will eventually figure out how to make the leap between Ki and Aura, and from there, they will discover that he somehow has a semblance too. From there they will be mixing Aura and ki, and will create new techniques, abilities and simply become tougher, stronger, faster than humans on Remnant or Earth could ever become.

b. Gotta up your game. Cinder will have some of the Autumn Maiden powers, but not all of it, and will have to train herself to use it better and more precisely than in the original while also training her other skills. Conversely, Pyrrha will have been shown she was wrong to concentrate on simply using her power for fine control matters, and will take to heart the idea of going big or going home. While Ranma will become tougher, stronger and better than in canon, while at the same time, not having access to the Amazon techniques in the same manner as in canon. He’ll have to learn by watching entirely instead of being taught.

c. Ryoko, part time teacher. Eventually Pyrrha will be able to convince Ranma to get some weapon training, and the three of them will ‘start’ to learn about the sword and javelin. While doing so Ryoko will evince an interest and through shadow play and body movements teach the three what she knows of sword combat, which is quite a lot.

d. Weapons for all. Even Ranma will start to use weapons, specifically mechaform weapons like the other two. Cinder will use a longsword that can mecha-form into a shotgun. Ranma, a pair of gauntlets that can shift into bladed gauntlets or machine guns.

e. Semi-proactive Ranma. While he isn’t going to be the brightest tac in the box, Ranma is going to have a certain amount of empathy and will know when to step in and stop fights or when to stand up for himself and of course, when not to open his big fat mouth.  This will have a major impact on everything.

f. Giving Nerima a miss. By the time Genma tries to get Ranma to come with him to fulfuill the Tendo agreement, there will be no way in hell Ranma goes along with it, even if he was able to get his son away from the two ‘Bad Influences’. Indeed, his attempt to do so will be the final catalyst to convince Ranma it’s time to kick his father to the curve. However, that doesn’t mean that the rest of the Ranma cast won’t show up.

g. Curses for all. Yep, you read that right. Pyrrha and Cinder will go with the Saotomes to the cursed spring. And even Ranma’s curse is up in the air, since thanks to the girl’s influence he won’t need it at much – there is a theory that the springs give the curses out to match the nature of those who spar there, or who need them. In Ranma’s case, his Yin energy was too powerful and he was in danger of crippling his ki for life, so he needed Yang energy – female energy essentially – to balance it out. In this fic, that might not be needed. Or will it, only differently? A female Nekomata or something similar? Who knows? And beyond that, what kind of curse would Cinder and Pyrrha receive? Something to teach the one humility, and the other to have some aggression maybe?

4. Slightly Different Tenchi, more than a bit different Ryoko. Tenchi and Yosho will both have a few random run-ins with Ranma and occasionally Pyrrha, although Cinder will fly under Yosho’s radar for a while. Ranma will have a severe impact on Tenchi, not so much in his desire for training, but in his general demeanor and acceptance of things beyond the norm. Yosho on the other hand will be an enemy the trio think they need to beat in order to free Ryoko, not believing for a moment the bunk about her being a demon given their ‘interactions’ over the years.

a. Ryoko in contrast will be very different. In the original anime, she went from cool to clingy and kind of pathetic, which I never really enjoyed, even as I was a Ryoko/Tenchi fan. Tenchi also treats her like fucking dirt in the anime a lot of times even when she’s acting decently. This time, Ryoko’s not going to go all clingy from the start and will have only a passing interest in Tenchi rather than an obsession towards him. She will be a little more centered, a bit more thoughtful, but just as violent, and might have developed an interest in the pigtailed one. 

b. Early Yosho sighting. After coming back and discovering Ryoko out and with a physical body, Ranma and Cinder at the very least will spot how Yosho is hiding himself under an illusion. This will of course have an impact on Ayeka (or Aeka I’ve seen both spellings) and her growing affection towards Tenchi. She will, naturally, wish to go back to the idea of marrying her brother. Because Juraians.

c. Tenchi/Mihoshi for the LOL. Mihoshi can be very cute. And I think the idea of her convincing Tenchi, a Tenchi that is more willing to leave the normal behind, to join the GXP could be fun. And let’s face it, Mihoshi needs someone nearly indestructible as a partner, and it sure isn’t going to be Ranma. He’s got enough luck issues as it is, thank you.

d. Eventually different Kenchi, sort of. Kenchi will still be a sort of created clone by Washu with bits of Tenchi DNA, but he will also have been around Ranma, Ryoko and the others occasionally. And when he jumps dimensions, unlike the others, Ranma and co. will not be willing to just sit by and let him have his own adventure being so young.

5. Eventual Space battles, but Tenchi style. Ranma, Pyrrha and Cinder will want to head into space, Pyrrha and Cinder to see if they can find Remnant, Ranma to see if he can find good fights. Ryoko will be more than willing to go along with these, having fond memories of the few times she slipped Kagato’s control when she was younger and was able to choose her own fights.

a. Ryo-Ohki shining. Given the fact she historically took on the whole of the Juraian home fleet and got away, the way she went down against only a single ship in both the original and the Universe version annoys me. She won’t be able to stand up to Kagato’s vessel, the Soja, which is able to said fleet for breakfast, but the little cabbit will still be a monster in her own right.

b. Ryoko Vs Ryoko. I think it would be hilarious to have Ryoko meet Ryoko Balta. Also painful for Balta perhaps. But still mainly hilarious.

c. Pirate Queen Cinder. Cinder, still being an ambitious so-and-so, will see the idea of taking control of pirate bands and training them into their own armada to pray on other pirates and perhaps corrupt planetary officials (see below) as a path to more power for herself. Furthermore, the more ships they have answering to them, the more information about known space they can gather.

d. Space to Remnant, Avon Calling. Yes folks, eventually Cinder and Pyrrha will return home, to a much changed Remnant. Won’t Ozpin (or whoever he is after Beacon falls), Salem, and the rest be surprised to find they are but one planet among many? And that there are powers out there that make their little squabbles seem small.

6. Clashing personalities Times Ten. Yes I’ve mentioned it before, but it is going to be such a major part of the fic it deserves it’s own point.  Cinder and Pyrrha, despite needing one another to survive in this odd world, will genuinely loathe one another. They will have fights, they will have arguments that are basically screaming matches and then later full-on ‘gonna kill you’ type combat. Cinder will think Pyrrha a goody-too-shoes who has never had to face the tough choices or had the will necessary to really take control of her life. Pyrrha will think Cinder an evil witch who sided with the forces of darkness. This will be made worse by both being kind of correct. Eventually it will be Ranma who, at first unknowing about their pasts, will force them to realize they both have good points and things to teach one another: Cinder can teach both of the others to put themselves first and be proactive, Ranma will be able to teach them both a whole mess of unarmed combat. Pyrrha will be able to Cinder empathy and force her to question the end goal of her ambitions. After all, a queen is still just a piece in someone else’s hands, isn’t it? Their relationship will always be tumultuous, even after they both acknowledge their growing feelings towards Ranma, or perhaps especially then. But that doesn’t mean they won’t be effective fighting together.

7. Somewhat disposed to obeying the gentle voice of Authority. With Pyrrha being the only one who remembers having a happy family, Cinder and Ranma will respond very well to older women who guide them gently rather than try to order them around. Male authority, not as much given Genma. So they will get along very well with Funaho when they meet her, the woman’s added elegance and velvet glove over a will of steel making all three respond positively. On the other hand, heaven help you if you try to manipulate them…

a. Seto bashing. Her machinations will be exactly the kind of thing that Cinder did to other people before, and which Ranma and Pyrrha find anathema. Further her whole setting up marriage thing will piss them, and Ryoko, off no end. They won’t hate her per-se, but they will be bashing heads with her a lot.

b. Comical Jurai bashing. I mean, come on, they make it so easy. Wooden ships, marrying your cousin or brother… Can you hear the banjos? And for all their power, they seem to run into a lot of problems that other people have to solve.

c. Not a fan of Imperial Authority. While Ranma and Pyrrha will at the least get along with Funaho, Misaki on the other hand will be a little too clingy even for Ranma, who will be the most touchy-feely of the trio. And they will not get along at all with the Juraian Emperor.  

d. GXP Clashes. Eventually once in space with Ryoko, the four of them will have some run-ins with the GXP, large and small. While some of the people that make up the GXP are good, well-meaning people, the GXP itself will seem to be rather ineffectual, feckless, and easily manipulated by local authorities and those on Jurai for their own gain. And also just plain stupid a lot of the times. This will also allow Ranma and Tenchi to fight occasionally, which he will think is just great and Tenchi will think is not fun at all.

8. Minus Nodoka. For one reason or another, to be determined at a later time, I don’t think there is going to be room in this fic for Nodoka. Not unless a go the already tried route of making her related to the Royal family. But think that would honestly make Ranma’s accomplishments a bit cheaper in Tokimi’s eyes. His being Juraian would give him a leg up, and she wouldn’t like that. So probably no Nodoka. Perhaps since by the time Ranma and co have reached (or re-reached) their canon starting ages they will have kicked Genma to the wayside for the whole telling Ranma he’s got a fiancé out of the blue thing. Especially since by that point Ranma and Cinder will at the least be involved. 

9. Seina who? Seina and the brunette will not be coming to space. The two of them may start training under Yosho eventually, but I doubt I will have much to do with him. On the other hand, due to Ryoko scaring the bejezzus out of her, Balta might hide out on earth, so there could still be some romantic tension there. Just not something that would be shown in a lot of detail.

10. Whole mess of combat. Duh.

a. Romantic style combat. A major difference between Tecnhi and the Ranma universes is that the girls spend more of their time fighting one another for Tenchi’s affections rather than just attacking Tenchi for the fact others are showing interest in him. In this fic, Pyrrha, Cinder and eventually Ryoko will spend a lot of time fighting one another, not just training, but actually fighting for Ranma’s attentions. Ranma in contrast will think fighting girls are hot as hell, so won’t know whether or not to step in sometimes. Ryo-Ohki might be the one to mostly keep the peace, since even Cinder will not be immune to the cuteness that is the cabbit, or the later cabbit girl (yes, that plotline will still occur)

b. Rivals abound. Instead of staying with the rivalries that exist in either canon, I would see them as another thing to play with in this fic.

i. Pyrrha vs Shampoo. Shampoo will be completely overwhelmed by Pyrrha instead of Ranma, and she will have dodged the kiss of death. This will force Shampoo to first up her training, then come after her with a vengeance. She might even eventually follow them into space with her own pirate crew after stealing a ship from one of the others who have come to earth – GXP ship, Balta’s, or a Juraian vessel.

ii. Aeka vs Cinder. This won’t be for Ranma’s affections. Aeka will just hate Cinder and her attitude, and Cinder will loathe her and her entitled mannerisms, haughty attitude

iii. Space Disaster Ryoga vs. Space Pirate Ranma. Ryoga will still be obsessed, will show up more in this fic than I normally allow, and will be a genuine threat given the other people he has foguth on his multi-planet lost boy powers.

iv. Tenchi vs Ranma. More low-key and friendly for the most part, that doesn’t mean they won’t have some epic fights.

v. Ryoko vs the GXP’s best and various pirates. Sort of self-explanatory. May or may not include Dr. Clay sending minions after her, but will include all those sword-mad idiots from the mangas.

c. Ghosts of Kagato. I think Kagato was the best villain in the Tenchi universe, and was dealt with far too quickly. In this he will have an escape plan in place, and retreat. It will take him time, but he will eventually begin to plague Tenchi and Ryoko – and those with them, many of whom will play a part in his defeat – via proxies.

11. Mix of different galaxies. I like a lot of different bits and pieces form the different Tenchi timelines. It’s sort of like EL Hazard in that manner (and oooh boy would I love to see that series revamped, even if it’s just the manga turned into an anime) so I would like to pick and choose what to use here.

a. No Nagi. I always felt that she was a very poorly made/thought out character. The same with her ship and even the other cabbit from GXP. I like the idea of Ryo-Ohki being unique thank you very much. Zero on the other hand, the one made by Doctor Clay, is a possibility. We’d have to see. Regardless she would not keep the Ryoko name, or template. She might shift ot be more a mix of people.

b. Adventures and enemies from the manga. I really enjoyed a lot of the adventures made for the mangas, especially the various enemies and allies they meet. I would try to include a great deal of them.

c. GXP characters showing up.

i. Amane plus Kiyone. For some reason I quite like this idea. They will have a fierce rivalry with Ryoko, hoping to capture her the moment she comes back to space and apparently goes back to her old pirating ways even if she’s praying on other pirates. This may be made worse by both girls thinking Ranma’s dishy and Ryoko and Cinder have led the poor boy and Pyrrha astray. In turn, Ryoko and Cinder will take some delight in trying to lure them to the pirate side…

ii. On the other hand the villain – the one who’s slowly turned into a cyborg - from GXP could be more fun. Not as a real rival, but as a foil to bring more of the enemies to their door.

d. A few of Yosho’s wives. Mainly to show the whole harem thing is accepted. Airi could also serve as a kick to Yosho’s ass to get him to drop the disguise and actually try to talk to Aeka rather than trick her. But mainly as another example of harems being a thing in space so that the girls around Ranma can, eventually, realize they don’t have to fight for his affections. Just to work out a schedule for them.

e. The Geminar universe.  Eventually.  This will be an actual dimension jump though, rather than just another world. Ranma and his ladies will be going along for the ride. As such the whole takeover of the Holy Land might not even occur, considering Ryoko can cut the Mecha to pieces, Cinder can burn them to twisted metal, and Pyrrha can just toss them around while Ranma can tear them apart with his bare hands and all of them will be primarily immune to their weapons by this point.

i. Lasahra being spanked. Because she needs it, given how bratty she acts occasionally.  

ii. Chiaia bashing. I hates her. She is both stupid, arrogant, and immensely self-delusional. Honestly, if Kenchi had a spine her actions and constant harping would probably have driven him away entirely.

iii. Auntie with the moves. Like in canon Flora Shurifon will go for the strong male and will cause issues there for both Kenchi and Ranma. Although more Kenchi than Ranma, who will be used to sexy ladies, just not ones that want his babies/and/or tie him to a bed and keep him for themselves. 

iv. Similarly Morga, the ex-student president will make an appearance, drawn by tales of Ranma’s strength, even if he isn’t a Sekijin (undecided). So she will be another near-crazy girl after Ranma. 

v. Aura interactions. I like her a lot and feel she was misused. And her society too. Indeed a lot of the ‘society’ we see is sort of silly/bizarre in the extreme.  I don’t know if I’d have her join the Ryo-Ohki crew, but they would certainly be friends with her, and hang out in the woods instead of the rest of the Holy Land.

vi. Wahanly begging to join them. Wanting to come along for the ride and the fact the idea of space travel fascinates her. That, and I think she’s cute as all get out. Not right for Ranma, but I think she and Kenchi could actually become a nice couple eventually.  The group keeping Kenchi around as cook and general bodyguard for Ryo-Ohki would be kind of funny. But Wahanly and Yukine I think are the best for Kenchi. And Lapis too maybe. 

12. Relationships: So obviously it will be a Ranma/Pyrrha/Ryoko/Cinder pairing. This will be tough to pull off. Cinder is… Cinder. Pyrrha will be stuck in a six year old body remembering being a seventeen year old girl with a crush on the most oblivious block of granite on Remnant. Ranma will have to deal with a lifetime of mixed messages from his friends and his father trying to pull him in two directions. Ryoko will have to figure out if love is the same as obsession or not, then how to actually show love without just throwing herself at the object of her affection.  They will all be EXTREMELY slow to understand their emotions and to see them changing from friends to something more. To say nothing of the various rivals and other possible love interests out there, Genma, and everything else going on. It will be perhaps the slowest, most convoluted fic I could ever imagine on the romance side of things.

a. Pyrrha and Ranma kissing in a tree. Honestly I think this is the easiest part. While Pyrrha will have a lot of hang-ups about it once she realizes that she is falling in love with Ranma, she will also have at that point moved on from her past life. They just have too much in common in many ways and can help one another grow so much that it is almost inevitable they fall for one another. It will be a slow burn up to a point, but after that…

b. Burning hot. Cinder might be the first one to notice her emotions are changing, but the last one to embrace it. This will show in a marked change of attitude. Cinder will go from occasionally using her body to convince Ranma about her point of view to entirely closing herself off from him as much as possible. It will take her a while to reconcile the idea that being involved emotionally with someone is not a weakness. But when she does, she will have no qualms about just basically turning Ranma on so much they do the dead right there, wherever there is, the first time…

c. Ryoko/Ranma. In contrast to the other girls, Ryoko will be genuinely torn between two love interests, believing she is in love with both. At first she will assume that her love for Tenchi is stronger, and just go for him instead of Ranma, but, after being rebuffed enough times, will give up on him. Thinking it obsession with the boy who first could see her and then later freed her, she will set it aside, but be leery about showing her affection for Ranma in the same manner. But when Ranma responds to what affection she does show… 

d. Ranma taking the lead. While Ryoko knows what sex is, she’s never actually been in love before, and even what she knows of sex is from having seen a few red light district planets rather than trying it out herself. Romance will be entirely unknown. Pyrrha too has never been in a relationship, though at least she will know what it entails, even if she has no idea how to start one. Cinder will have used sexuality as a weapon. Actual emotions will be foreign to her. So, once everyone has figured out what is going on, it will be up to Ranma to take the lead, figuring out where to go and how to basically guide their relationships, set boundaries, set up the first few dates, and generally take control of things for a while until the others learn enough to do the same. 

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this little mental exercise, and be on the lookout tomorrow for me to end the small story poll. 



Im actually really in the mood for ranma/tenchi fic right now, so sounds great. i have nothing against remnant and its characters, as i enjoy semblance of hope, but its addition makes this feel quite ambitious. not a bad thing though.


Sounds pretty epic. Also sounds like it will have an epic word count, so waiting on it is probably the best bet. I would really like to see this and some of your previous story ideas realized some day.