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So, I was asked by a Patreon who happens to be a mother to come up with a pair of story concepts. Normally I would only be willing to talk about such things in PMs, but I agreed to do this since during this time of turmoil mothers the world over are no doubt having a lot of trouble keeping the home front sane and not self-destructing.  And for those of you wondering, I did ask and while she requests to remain anonymous, she is fine with lemony stories.  I mean is that allowed, a mother having a libido!? LOL.  

(As an aside, once Father's Day is close if any of you who are father's have a story request PM me then and we'll see what I can do)

More seriously, let me reiterate, these ideas will not be followed up on, not for a long while if ever.  Especially in the case of the Ranma one. If I was to start any of my Ranma fic ideas it would be the DC/Ranma one or follow up on my Aunt’s Touch Oneshot. 

That being said, the first idea was an easy one, an HP/RWBY concept. Since I’ve been into the RWBY fanfic scene thanks to Semblance for the past month, that was relatively easy, despite the hardship of figuring out a way to get Harry to Remnant without reusing the whole abuse/desperate insanely powerful portkey thing. 

The other a Ranma crossover, is going to take some more time to work up. I won’t say any more than that, although I think at least it will be…unique.

HP/RWBY crossover: King of Champions 

The war was won, but at a cost, if not in lives, then in closeness for Harry Potter, the Boy Who Won. Early on in the Horcrux hunt, Ron and Hermione left him and the UK entirely to make a new life together in Australia. Even with the war over, they have made no effort to come back, either because they feel guilty, or because they can’t deal with Molly, Harry isn’t sure which and doesn’t care. Tonks is dead, and while she is kind to him, Andromeda has made it clear that he can’t spend a lot of time with Teddy, or else Teddy’s chance of living a normal life will fade. Something he can understand all too well, since Ginny was killed due to their going out briefly, and even though they stood beside him in the war, there is no longer any love for him in the Weasley house. Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom are both still around but mentally wounded by the war, with Neville looking after Luna and having no time for Harry. 

And everyone else who has tried to get close to him are doing so due to his fame and name, not for Harry himself. It is lonely at the top, and Harry is feeling it. A horrible fate for a young man who only really wanted to have a family, and protect his friends.

Remembering the one man who might well have become a father figure to him, a position no one else even tried to fill, Harry spends his days either hiding from his so-called fans (including a few stalkers of both genders and enemies who escaped death during the war) or in the room where the Veil of Death is. He remembers his time basically being dead, and talking to the spirit of Dumbledore, remembers him saying how death is merely the next great adventure. If that is true, perhaps in his next life, Harry might find a family. 

As he is thinking this, an apparition comes out of the Veil, a man made of shadow and ash. This is Death, or so he claims to be anyway. And when the Death Stick and the cloak start resonating, Harry has no choice but to believe him. Death offers Harry a choice: to go through the Veil as is, and forget this life entirely, his soul returned to the wheel,  but with the promise of Death that he would find happiness in his next life. Or take on a task for Death and those like him, the Powers of the Life Cycle. There is a planet whose cycle is horribly disjointed, one that must be set right in various ways. If Harry agrees to deal with it, he will be reborn there, with his memories and much of his magic intact, and further will be born into a loving family. “Indeed Potter, considering the household I’m thinking of you will have all the family you can stomach and then some.” 

Faced with a choice of laying down his burden, indeed never even remembering it, or keeping it while going on to fight another war yet also getting what he has always wanted, Harry chooses what is right over what is easy. He agrees to go to this world called Remnant, and, with Death holding his hand, walks through the Veil. The next instant he is looking up at an unfamiliar ceiling marked with a lot of glow in the dark stickers and a pair of large, yet feminine hands pulling him up and out of something while his mind tries to turn into slurry, his memories being overwritten by the instant of his new, baby-aged body. 

As Harry is trying, and failing to deal with his new mental limitations, a conversation goes on over his head, only snippets of which he is able to catch given his lack of ability to concentrate at present. “…found him in the ruins of that house. It’s a miracle that he survived at all, but…”

“adopt him certainly. He’s young enough that…”

“Agreed he's the same age as…”

“But his hair will…”

“I’ll be quite happy that there will be someone else around with my hair color and I won’t have you teasing him about it. Overmuch, anyway.”


“Hadrian. It’s a good name, isn’t it?” The female voice is firm, uncompromising, reminding Harry for a second of his ex-transfiguration teacher before the memory slips away as he concentrated hard on the conversation. His last really cognizant thought for a while is, three older girls and a twin, and two apparently happy parents. Well, Death came through with that at least.

“Hadrian it is. Welcome to the family, Hadrian Arc.”

Things this will contain:

1. Reincarnation believes in you: Obviously from the above, Harry will be reborn into the RWBY world much like I used in Wild Wolf, taking on the role of Jaune Arc from canon. However, this time around Harry will eventually have a bit more in the way of direction. Given his possession of the now-defunct Hallows, He’ll have to grow up first, however, including puberty which will not be fun, even if he knows somewhat what to expect this time around. After that, he will be guided by vague feelings that will sometimes pull him this way or that.

2. Growing up is slow to do LOL: At least a few chapters will be devoted to Harry growing up and getting to know his new sisters and family and them him. In a lot of ways he’ll be extremely precocious thanks to his past life, in others he’ll just lay back and enjoy the family atmosphere, something he only felt a few times with the Weasleys, and this time with him as part of the family instead of a friend. 

a. However, thanks to his past life, Harry will not be willing to just go along with things, knowing he is here for a reason, but not quite what just yet. So he will be pushing hard to gain knowledge of the world, and experiment with his magic and what does, and doesn’t work. He will also have short shrift with schools in general, both because of bad memories and because he is an 18-year-old stuck in a toddler’s body. 

b. Sword Wielder Harry – As part of his growing up, Harry will learn how to wield Crocea Mors, and will eventually use it to aim some of his spells.  He won't be a close combatant by choice, but can at least hold his own against someone at, say Yang's level if not someone like Pyrrha.

c. Semblance? –Certainly Aura, but I am uncertain if I will also give Harry a Semblance since he’ll be keeping most of his magic. If I do, it won’t be something that will help him, rather it will be something he can add to someone else.

d. Cook Harry: a thing I’ve done in previous stories it will really come into play here, given how none of his sisters can cook. His new mother can, however, and that plus their both being non-blonde (LOL) will be a bonding point that Harry will be positively ravenous for.

e. Scarred Harry – even in his new body, Harry will have a forehead scar, although whether it will be the same or different I don’t know.

3. Magic of Another color: magic will not work in this world as it would in his old world. There will be distinct and hard limitations on it. Transfiguration of living things is a no-go, as in it just doesn’t’ work, but it works VERY well on nonliving things. Aura can inhibit mental attacks and also shield from direct assault. Conjuration only lasts for a limited amount of time. Invisibility, Notice Me Nots and so forth also work, but won’t last long. In fact, no magic will last for more than a few hours, the power behind the spell dissipating. Telekinesis – Acio, Leviosa, etc work very well. And Harry doesn’t need a focus either, a gift from Death.

4. OCs Galore: Sort of. While I would make the Arc parents very OC, I would try to use characters from other anime to fill in the Arc sisters, or at least a few of them. The Arcs, in general, would be Hunters and farmers both. One is a Hunter, the other a Farmer, with the older daughter, Calliope, a farmer too. The young siblings will be a mass of kawaii, but won’t register as important characters, only there as part of the family. Think like Kunou almost from FILFy, only possibly a little less so. 

a. OC 1: Arturia Arc. An idea I’ve seen in a few fics, this Arturia would be based on the Lancer-class of Fate Grand Order, specifically the third stage. The third daughter of the Arc family, she will be proud of her abilities, but also personally bubbly with those who she lets past her outer shell. She will spoil her younger siblings and be spoiled by them in turn. Harry will have a fierce bond with her, as they both believe in family and fighting the good fight equally. Arturia will also have been a champion of the Mistral Tournament in the past but will have lost her position to Pyrrha in her first tournament. 

b. OC 2: Harribel Arc: A somewhat younger but almost as voluptuous version of Tier Harribel from Bleach. Tanned where the rest of her family is light-skinned and with a Semblance that covers her body with near-Grimmlike Armor, she will be a quiet, almost shy girl who is leery of others because of how they react to her Semblance. However, as Harry’s ‘twin’, she will be as close to him as possible and vice versa. And unlike Beni in Semblance, she will be a main character, just like Arturia.

c. OC 3: Unknown at present. I would like her to be a blonde librarian type, but I am uncertain which anime model to use for her physical form. She will be the next youngest after Harry and Harribel and will be somewhat spoiled until the next kids come along but won’t be the type to lord it over anyone. Rather she’ll be almost introverted and prefer her books to other people

d. All the girls both younger and older than him will dote on Harry and will want to keep their cook, er, their brother, safe as possible.  Expect hijinks and lots of them.

e. Harribel and Arturia, in particular, will be extremely close with Harry. So close they could easily be called bro-cons, and vice versa. It will actually cause them issues as they grow up, but they just won’t care at all because of how close they all are. Some of these issues will go away when they learn that the black-haired youth isn’t Harribel’s real twin, while other issues will simply grow larger.

5. Early meetings: Harry will be meeting with at least Pyrrha early on but not in a tournament. Rather in more trying situations. Afterward, they will get to know one another. As someone who has been put on a pedestal before Harry will be able to see through her polite smiles to the anguished, lonely girl underneath. He will also see that while she isn’t being abused at him, home isn’t exactly pleasant either. Her parents will have molded her into what she has become, and she will resent it, but be unable to figure out how to break free until Harry gives her a helping hand. They will grow close due to how Pyrrha and he met, and Pyrrha will be friends with Arturia, and, eventually Harribel, once Harribel understands Pyrrha isn’t trying to get between Harribel and Harry.

a. Possible runaway Pyrrha. One way to deal with things is just to leave them all behind after all. Or perhaps she will just leave for Beacon early on, ostensibly to train with Arturia who will have been the only one to really push Pyrrha to the limits in their matches. She will still be a four-time champion though. And maybe the Pumpkin Petes thing.

b. Another character he might meet early on is Weiss. Not because she will stay around for long, but I can see the Arcs as old money with the Schnees being new money and them meeting at some function or other with the Arcs sticking out hugely since at base they are farmers no matter how rich. They will clash big time, though not as much as Harry and Papa Schnee who he sees as another Malfoy, ripe for the squishing.

c. In the same vein, I can see Harry meeting Yang and Ruby because their parents know each other through their hunting days. But don’t expect Harry to just be able to magically know when to be around them to save Summer. He might somehow accidentally do so, but we’ll see. However neither Yang nor Ruby will be able to become very close with Harry since he’ll be surrounded by his sisters who will guard his time zealously.

6. Beacon Lite: like my other fic I would be eager to move beyond the walls of Beacon, possibly even faster than I did in Semblance if for much the same reason: Harry really won't have much to learn from them. And being around Ozpin makes the part of him that is connected to Death very twitchy.

a. As a consequence of this, Harry, Harribel, and Pyrrha at the very least will be leaving Beacon early, causing the teams, (unknown at present what I’ll do with Harribel) to have to be reshaped. I think I will have Blake and Yang join them, if for very different reasons. That means Weiss will have to put up with both Ruby and Nora… pray for her haughty little tsundere soul people.

b. But they will join up with Arturia, ostensibly under a kind of apprenticeship, but everyone involved will know that while Arturia is the official Huntress and has the most experience (by two years or so) Harry will be the one in charge. And the one cooking.

c. World Exploration. Once away from Beacon I will, like in Semblance, be able to world build to a large degree.

7. Other Villains have their day: Since he won’t be in Vale, for the most part, Harry and co. won’t be running into Cinder just yet. Instead, they will deal with other villains, local type first, then Salem’s merry band of psychos when Salem learns that there is another being in the world who can use something that looks suspiciously like magic. A power she has seen before… This will make her send her minions at Harry quite often, leading him to a lot of harrowing experiences. 

8. Harry the King. Harry will, with the love of a family and with them to protect, be far more willing to step into the limelight and to lead. He will become a tactical genius of a sort, able to command others in battle and think in terms of team tactics and long term strategy. 

9. Pairings: This will be a harem, but a slow-building one to a point. I mean, all the girls will realize they have feelings for Harry over time and will at first be leery of doing anything for fear of messing up the group dynamic. But once they decide to share, everything will go from 0-60 very, very quickly.  The pairing will be Harry/Pyrrha/Harribel/Arturia/?. I could have Yang or Blake join. The Blake character has sort of fallen out of favor for me however, given how she acts in canon at times. Yang is a possibility, and after she has basically broken things off with Ranma, I think she deserves some love in my fics. But we will see. 

Needless to say, this would need a lot of work. Still, I find I really like the premise, and the comedy factor of Harry going from famine to feast in terms of family.  Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this, and once more, I hope you all are staying healthy. 



Not officially but he also says it on Wiki that the Avada Kadavra movement looks a lot like it. I had already understood the uselessness of the Runes in the RWBY universe but the list of Runes were above all to give you possible choices to replace his scar on the forehead. You thought which gun to give him? Maybe an assault rifle that can turn into an anti-tank sniper since a long-distance specialist was missing in the former JNPR? How about the use of hang gliders or similar for both landing and short / medium distance travel since with the transfiguration and mekashift rigging it would be easy to improve mobility and even takeoff from the ground should not be a problem between Gravity Dust or Magic. Indestructible charm, cushioning and featherweight for all the defensive equipment of the team in battle even if it must renew them every few hours since most of the attacks are physical. Even if there are no expanded pockets, there is always the Reducio. Will the couple spell be further limited as it made permanent copies of everything except magical items? Where do all the things they wear when they transform Animagus go? It should also apply in reverse. Does Harribel's semblance also grant negative empathy?


He doesn't really need a gun - he's got spells for that. However if I was going to do anything I would give him a area effect weapon - the only one of those on either canon team was Magnhild. And remember that he, Pyrrha and Harribel might not remain at Beacon for long, so the needs of HNPR - LOL - don't actually matter. Good concept. How about shifting the ground to mud in front of a horde of Grimm? Or poison fog as I mentioned before - they still need to breathe after all. Or, better yet, simpley a fog of fuel - kabooom! couple spells? - no copy spells, unless small scale stuff for short amounts of time. Reducio is an attack spell. Animagus spell no idea No on Harribel's semblance. It's simply living Bone Armor - Think her mask, her sword, plus armor and some projectile powers. Harry will provide her with some more offensive powers to her armor when they fight together.


As long as it is long range after all the transfiguration covers the medium range; perhaps a giant submachine gun even if it is not easy to handle or a rocket launcher / grenades that can be filled with the transfiguration. Mud or tar is fine against humans but against the Grimm you can use something more lethal; it is most effective if you leave it under a light layer of normal earth. The poison can be lethal even for your team so you have to be especially careful. Explosive mists are very effective but especially the first time it will probably go too far. Some things he could use are: napalm, nitroglycerin, fluoroantimonic acid (vs flyings), white phosphorus, liquid nitrogen or liquid helium. Non-lethal: glue, itchy dust, smelly, soporific, tear and exhilarating. In the city and close proximity to allies golem humanoid so as not to confuse them with the Grimm, such as: dwarves with axes, centaurs with spears, giants with maces, centurions with sword and shield. No, that was Reducto the Reducio reduces the dimensions (usable on animals) and the Engorgio is its optimal opposite for aerial bombing.