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May Patron Only Poll

  • Making Waves: comedy, action, limey goodness, magical combat, Ranma having fun by making fun of others from the sidelines 156
  • Bhaalson Remodel: action, comedy, character interaction, Harry, Khalid and Jaheira trying to keep the party focused 53
  • Sword, Bow and Horse: comedy, character interaction, romance, lots of teasing and lots of talking as Ranma\u2019s origin comes to light 110
  • 2020-04-21
  • —2020-05-13
  • 319 votes
{'title': 'May Patron Only Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Making Waves: comedy, action, limey goodness, magical combat, Ranma having fun by making fun of others from the sidelines', 'votes': 156}, {'text': 'Bhaalson Remodel: action, comedy, character interaction, Harry, Khalid and Jaheira trying to keep the party focused ', 'votes': 53}, {'text': 'Sword, Bow and Horse: comedy, character interaction, romance, lots of teasing and lots of talking as Ranma\\u2019s origin comes to light', 'votes': 110}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 13, 1, 33, 39, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 21, 1, 36, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 319}



Hey everybody. With work on Semblance finished (sent off to Hiryo for editing then it's back to me for a Grammarly-style grind. Ugh, and work for Magic started, it is time to post the patron-only story poll, and the large story poll for April. The large story poll will be updated shortly, but here is the Patron-only story poll. Since it is a restart of the rotation concept I’ve used since December (I think LOL) it will include all three of the currently running Patreon stories. 

The choices are:

Sword Bow and Horse – Ranma/Lord Marksman and Vanadis: Winter is fully upon Ranma and his allies, allowing for training, politics, and meetings all. While Sasha smacks pirates and Vanadis alike, Lim and Valentina arrive at the front to the sight of Ranma tort-training some troops. While Valentina meets and greets, Lim and Ranma reestablish whatever the heck they are, while elsewhere, plans are made for both knockout blows and small annoyances. Valentina has a nice sit down with Ranma, asking him many, many hard questions he hoped to not ever have to answer, with the two getting to know one another perhaps a little too well for either of their comforts. Lim and Ranma have a pseudo-date, Tigre and Elen step out for a bit while Regin stews and ponders how to actually gain her crown in the first place. Sofy arrives and settles in for the winter while Valentina thinks deep thoughts.

Bhaalson Remodel – HP/Gamer/Baldur’s Gate crossover: Rest and recuperation is in the cards as Harry and co spend a single night in the dungeon, before heading back to the Mother Dryad’s pavilion. During these breaks, Harry makes some decisions, thinks about a valuable lesson, and analyzes some phat loot among other things. He and Minsc bond over the concept of heroism, while Harry takes another step to deciding on what god to swear his sword to. Jaheira nurses Dynaheir back to health, the woman waking up and being somewhat out of sorts, a state of being that spreads, and worsens as she learns about the deal made with Edwin. The group moves on to Nashkel, with only a few tiny bumps in the road, where they revive their allies. A leaving is taken, arguments occur, oaths are made, and the group, after once more tooling up, heading into the mines.

Making Waves- Ranma/Fairy Tail crossover: With news of the last member of the Balam Alliance on the move, Ranma smacks down an attempt by the Magic Council to stick their oar in, while Wendy has a breakthrough with her training as does Juvia. Ranma also ups his training through the last few weeks of winter, as everyone else gets ready for the upcoming S-class trials. Warned that the S-class exams and Tenrou Island is to be the target, Makarov makes an astonishing decision (or several) while Ranma has his training interrupted in a very pleasant manner. With the end of winter, the trial-goers leave for Tenrou, where the trials go off without a hitch as Ranma provides color commentary until the first stage is finished. Yet as the mages break up, Grimoire Heart arrives, thrusting their head into a trap. Yet it isn’t only the Dark Guild to fear on Tenrou…

Remember that these are weighted polls! That means that the actual poll you see here is kind of misleading, as when the poll closes I go through it, see who voted for who and weigh those votes by the number of dollars each voter has pledged. Four votes (4) for every dollar.

This poll will end on the twelfth of May.



Bhaalson, please. :)


Definitely SBH