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Alright folks, It is the fourteenth, and thus it is time to close down the small story poll. I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy in this madness that seems to have gripped much of the world thanks to the virus.

As another sitrep, FILFy is done and off to the Editor. ATP is about halfway finalized. I ran into several issues that caused me to get rid of several scenes there.  Argh. I also have about nine thousand words of SBH (Sword, Bow, and Horse) done. 

And now for the small Story poll results:

Fourth place goes to Semblance of Hope, with 898, only bringing in 52 over on fanfic.  As always the lack of fanfic help over there has sunk it. 

In Third place was Anything Goes Game Changer. It brought in 1107 total votes although it did horribly over on fanfic, bringing in only 58 votes. Ouch. Normally it has done better than that.

In third place was Gods and Devils and Wild Horses, Oh My. It brought in 120 from fanci and a total of 1412. 

However, the winner, possibly because in Taliseth’s words, there are a lot of people who want to see a One Piece fic get past Skypeia, was Stallion of the Line. It was first over on fanfic at 211, and won a total of 1710.

So even if I had put my own 600 votes on AGGC, one of the two fics that haven’t been updated the longest and are nearest to completion, the total wouldn’t have changed. The winner is Stallion of the Line

I would normally say there was a chance of the second place winner also being updated, but not this month. Not with the work put in on FILFy, ATP and the size I think Stallion might reach. Certainly I’m not going to make any promises in that direction. However, be on the lookout later for the two, yes two, Small Story Polls for April.  I will be posting them on the day FILFy is updated, which should be sometime this week.



So I would like to suggest that the reason some of your stories aren't doing so well on fanfiction is that too much time has passed between updates. As a solution to this I would suggest adding 50 votes per month that they aren't updated so that every few months the stories you keep on the poll get updated. Anyways I enjoy all of your stories so you keep doing you.


Actually, that's why I keep mentioning Semblance - it ALWAYS has done poorly over on fanfic. Ever since it first came out, it just hasn't been very popular over there, bar one or two months. The rotation seems to be working great for the patron only stories, so I will again start using that idea in the small story polls. As for adding votes, I use my own votes occasionally - 600 votes on any one story. But most of the time I let my readers do the choosing.


Filfy teacher was updated yesterday. When can we expect the polls? 🤔