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Okay guys, first of all, as I hinted at before, FILFy Teacher is not going to be updated this month.  I have it nearly done, but there's no chance of me getting it off to a beta reader by tommorrow.  Instead I will make it a large story update in January, along with Horse for the Force.  That means there will be two polls posted tomorrow for January dealing with the small story and the patron only story.  

I will be posting another sort of opinion poll and Chapter 1 of Heroes of the High Seas before midnight tomorrow.  An Aunt's Touch will also be up by tomorrow, and should be around 20,000 words or so for my Ranma fans.

Unfortunately, it looks as if Making Waves will not be updated by the end of the month. I sent it off to justlovereaadin' but he has been sick and unable to work on it.  Since he has been a major contributor and his changes effect the chapter a great deal, I do not want to update the story without his input.  He has said he might have it to me by Wednesday, and if he does, i will post it on New Years Day.  If not, I will wait and send it off to Hiryo before posting.  

Sorry guys and gals, I just neglected to think of how long finalizing the political talk in Magic would take.  It took me a week to get that part right, without working very much on anything else.  That, the size of the Heroes Chapters and losing two Sundays in a row, yeah.  No wonder I didn't hit my target number of stories this month.  

Now with my apologies out of the way, I present to you the first ever "Vimesenthusiast would you ever..." thread!   

Here you may ask questions or wonder about additions to specific stories.  You can ask 'why did you do so and so...' or even 'i like so and so, can you do this'.  You may also ask about specific types of stories you would like me to write.  Note i said types, I think we covered the idea of other fandoms before LOL.  

Ask away my friends and fellow fanfic lovers.  Let me see what is in those beautiful minds of yours.



Another question and story concept. Did you ever pondered such idea? Of course there is your Highschool of the Dead/Ranma story, but I mean more original tale, instead of adding a character(s) to that story line :) So pretty much everything is subject to change, but something along the lines of this following concept: Harry Potter world at some time of canon timeline (or even after it with Harry being fully trained adult wizard) encounter a world apocalypse. The story itself it set up after it all happens and a new 'order' (more like lack of it) is kinda established. Magic is now known to the vast majority of survivors but no one truly cares. A lot of people are glad to have it on their side. Other of course distrust the magic users. Opinions vary, but they have a bigger thing to worry about. (Unless the apocalypse was magical in origin, then they may be forced to hide their abilities). Harry as a true survivor is still kicking. He can even be be leader or main/secret protector of some community/group. A lot of known characters died, or are just lost to our story protagonist(s). The 'I though you were dead!' can be used as well :) The apocalypse itself is not set it stone, could be a lot of things a) Dragons and similar world to that of movie 'Reign of Fire'. Either by some sleeping dormant race, or the HP dragons getting out of control, maybe some new breed that can reproduce really fast and wizard underestimating it. b) Some Kaiju/Big aliens monster/Another Dimension beast/etc attack (Pacific Rim, Evangelion, Bleach type Hollows matearilazing into our world and so on kind of settings) c) Dormant/underground/hidden race or true alien invasion (such as Locust from Gears of War, vampire society unknown to even wizards deciding that their food source expansion is getting out of hands, Or even something from Blue Gender / Starship troopers. Possibly even Alien (xenomorph) like creatures or some kind of species that reproduces eithet via human host or human conversion) d) Some ancient seal/law/etc being broken allowing either demon invasion or something similar. Possibly also freeing some super dangerous beings (Opened Purgatory full of monsters, for example from Supernatural universe) e) Disease/virus scenario - killing most humans, turning the rest into something (but can't be baseline zombies, too easy to deal with, when you have magic with wards, In such scenario it would have to be very soon into the HP canon with Harry only having very base magic available and the disease somehow offing all the capable adult wizards in the world). Depending on when the apocalypse would happen you could limit or increase the knowledge Harry has at his disposal. I think it would be preferable if he had at least some books or means for bettering himself further and expanding what he knows. He also doesn't have to be alone, but there shouldn't be too many survivors from his usual circles. If he was also some leader or prominent figure of some community the story may not even start from his PoV but instead that of someone else. Probably someone who knows him a little and can grow in her (or his) abilities further down into the story. Maybe someone like Daphne? Said person (or their group) could be saved by Harry and brought to the community so we could get a introduction along with them. Magic can be used freely or may be limited. For example the danger they're facing is actually capable of locating or are even lured to a places with high magic usage. There might be a wards capable of hiding even itself and magic being used inside but only to some extent. Storyline other than surviving, leading the community, relationship between characters can be focused on: a) Protecting against other threats (because humans just have the need to remain dangerous to each other even when the world is ending all around them). b) Gathering means to continue living (Food, clear water, things that are needed and so on) c) Actually actively defending against the big threat out there. Especially if the remaining humans are actively being hunted (depends on the type of apocalypse) d) Trying to find some way to reverse/fix the damage. Or at least end the threat so the world can be rebuild There are many options and way to takes such tale. But my post is already way longer than I intended. But apocalypse and what if scenarios are among my favourites :)


It would be interesting to see Harry Potter in a Lucifer’s Hammer situation. Trying to preserve or restart civilization...


Yeah, something like this or Fallout kind of settings should be part of the story. Still I think if you give magic to the survivors, you need also something else to up the scale than just survival and civilization revival :) Even if this would be a very integral and interesting part


Um, I did come up with a HP/HOTD crossover concept. But other than that... I don't know. I am not a big fan of apocalypse-type scenarios except on the small immediately after scale, and even then I have to like the characters.


I know I'm jumping on the bandwagon here a bit late, but I did make note that you expressed yourself a fan of Wonder About Zero (thank you for pointing it out, BTW) and that you wanted to eventually work that Ramna,/ZnT crossover. Is that still one of your projects under consideration going forward?


It would be if I didn't have so many ongoing crossovers as it was, and then other story teaser ideas people enjoyed more and so on... in others words, I would love to get to it, but unless I somehow discover the cloning technique there is no way I will ever be getting to it anytime soon.