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Hey guys and gals, as you might have figured out by seeing how small Fate Touched was, my hopes for having as much free time as I had initially hoped to have this past week were unceremoniously dashed.  However, I do intend to get Stallion out by next weekend or so.  

With that in mind though, and with my work on the next patron-only chapter, I don't know if I will be able to get a truly large story chapter out this month.  So instead, I'm going to promise to get those two stories, a medium chapter for the winner of this poll, and then the small story winner out.  That's essentially my priorities list as well - first Stallion, then the patron-only story winner, then the winner of this poll than the small story poll.  

What's the difference between a medium and a large story? medium is 30-40,000 words.  A large is upwards of 50,000.  A small is normally anywhere from 15,000 to 25,000. 

For those of you who are new, welcome!  How these polls work is relatively simple: for every dollar, you donate, you get four votes (4) to use in each poll.  That is four (4) votes to use in this poll,  4 (four) votes to use in the small story poll, and four (4) to use in the patron-only poll. 

So this month the choices are:

FILFy Teacher - HP/DxD crossover: While the higher-ups deal with the revelation that their worsts fears in terms of the Khaos Brigade weren't nearly pessimistic enough, dark forces move both against the other powers in the world and against one another.  Meanwhile back in Kuoh, Harry and co. continue their lives and reinforcing their position in Kuoh.  Dates occur for all four ladies Harry is currently in a relationship with, learning is expounded upon and new neighbor's welcomed. as the month of January ends followed swiftly by February.  The end of that month marks a few new changes in Harry's relationships and who he is in fact in a relationship with before they roll into march and Harry and the family head to the UK two kill two birds with one trip.

Horse for the Force – Ranma/SW crossover: With Fay once more with them, the crew of the Wild Blade deal with attacks, missions, and, sadly, start the war everyone had feared was coming, with the Separatists coming out swinging, landing one hell of a haymaker. They then link up with still more old friends (Ranma: Or two old friends and a brat anyway) and then finally goes on the offensive. Sidious learns that even though he personally may be safe, that doesn’t mean the Sith can’t be hurt. Fay, with her new guardian Aayla added, much to her chagrin, to her entourage, and a personal ship too, goes in search of a face from a vision, finding a key to the future, but what kind of future it might be is still in doubt as an army is revealed and Ranma wonders if the Jedi honestly know the difference between serving the Force, and serving justice 

Magic of the Force - HP/SW crossover:    Harry enters the snake’s den that is the Senate to do battle with the King Cobra, who quickly realizes that while he might be safe from Harry's Force Light, he's also crippled himself to do it.  Later, as Aayla and Padme continue to bond, Harry's questions are followed by violence where you would least expect it as the first shots of the Clone Wars are fired and GDL gets a real baptism by fire, led by a new face in the GDL... At the same time, the Jedi agree to a plan put forth by Harry and Aayla and Sidious pushed forward with the next stage of the Great Plan.  Padme and many of the other senators become appalled, and Padme is forced to make a choice with long-reaching repercussions.

{This poll will last until the 14th.}