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And now, on to the Large Story Poll. 

Again folks, if you voted in the other poll you can, and indeed probably should, vote in this one, with each dollar giving you four (4) votes.

Horse for the Force – Ranma/SW crossover: With Fay once more with them, the crew of the Wild Blade deal with attacks, missions, and, sadly, start the war everyone had feared was coming, with the Separatists coming out swinging, landing one hell of a haymaker. They then link up with still more old friends (Ranma: Or two old friends and a brat anyway) and then finally goes on the offensive. Sidious learns that even though he personally may be safe, that doesn’t mean the Sith can’t be hurt, as the Jedi face a threat within. Fay, with her new guardian Aayla added, much to her chagrin, to her entourage, and a personal ship too, goes in search of a face from a vision, finding a key to the future, but what kind of future it might be is still in doubt as an army is revealed and Ranma wonders if the Jedi honestly know the difference between serving the Force, and serving justice.

Magic of the Force – SW/Harry Potter crossover: Harry and Aayla continue ot bond with Padme for a time as she shows that her stubbornness only evolved after she stepped down from being Queen. Anakin questions, worries, and then is involved in violence in the dark along with Aayla as Harry enters the snake’s den that is the Senate.  Later questions are followed by violence where you would least expect it as the first shots of the Clone Wars are fired and everyone, even the one who put the war into motion, realizes they might not have been as ready as they thought while Harry and Aayla push for the Jedi to move forward with one of their own long term plans, and the GDL gets a real baptism by fire.