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Okay guys, while it’s been going on a few days longer than I had hoped to have it run, it is now time to close the patron only story poll. 

In other news, while my internet is working somewhat better (look ma, I can upload) it is still very wonky. However, I have decided to start uploading a series of question-type posts over the next few days, during bits and pieces of free time that aren’t long enough for me to work on the winner of this poll. Making Waves will be done by the end of today and sent off to my first Fairy Tail type editor afterward, I just have one scene I need to get down before doing so, and a lot of little bracketed points where I need to add FT facts.

Now, back to the poll results.

Well, it looks like few people liked the idea of me taking up another Ranma crossover fic, since Accidentally Plus Ultra only brought in 220 votes.

In fact, none of the new fic ideas I posted here brought in enough votes to really be contenders. That’s depressing, since I was looking forward to getting into My Hero Academia.  But Heroes of the High Seas brought in 332 votes, while Heroic Wizard won 425.

That leaves the top two, and in a way, the results of this poll answer a question I’ve been thinking about. Do people like the idea of story teasers, or do they want me to continue fics I’ve already begun, even for patron only fics? The answer, at least judging from the results of this poll, is that already started fics are going to bring in more votes. So, from now on I will pair patron only fics with two stories from over on fanfic that haven’t been updated in the longest time. Hopefully in this manner, just like in the August small story poll, I will be updating those stories more regularly. 

Anyway, bringing in second place with a very respectable 828 was Sword Bow and Horse

But coming in first place was Bhaalson Remodel. It brought in 1,163.

This means that both my Ranma and my HP fans will be getting a patron only story this month, which is excellent to me. However, unless I can finish Bhaalson Remodel or at least the majority of it before this coming Monday, I might have to vote against FILFy Teacher in the small story poll which will be ending at that time, since, as I said, that would be more of a medium sized story LOL. Then again, if it doesn’t win, I might be able to do two of the other stories in that poll. We’ll see. 



What you really need to do is seriously start doing those teasers. They're like samples from a grocery store, giving you a little taste of what's to come and enticing you purchase the real deal or showing you why you wouldn't be happy with it beforehand. That's why those stories did so well. Because the readers already know and enjoy them, whereas your Academia ideas are just vague and questionable story concepts to them. Regardless of that, just know that I'll still consistently place my votes on your Academia ideas because they sound really interesting to me, especially the High Sess Heroes!!


I don't know how much time you have but why not devote a little to producing the first chapter of your story concepts in brief at least and then use them to showcase the ideas along with the vague descriptions of where you see it going. it would probably slow down some of your other writing but you should write what you enjoy at least some of the time and not just the stories that are voted on. then again if you do write a section of chapter you might feel that you need to finish it out eventually but that choice relies solely with you.