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Hey guys and gals.  With Making Waves off to Hiryo, AGGC off to Michael, and work on FILFy about two thirds done, I had a few quickish type questions.  Some are opinion questions (NOT Polls LOL) while others are tiny info questions.  As always, any questions that deal with specific stories will be marked as such.

First FILFy (duh):

1. Is there an equivalent of the flying broom in Asian magical myths and such?  I'm thinking about the Onmyouji here.  

2. This is a question for those among you who know anything about the Tuatha De Danaan.  Is there a god of hearth and home in that mythology? Like one who specifically looks after the home and family?

3. If I were to add another mythological weapon from the Irish side of things, would it be more interesting to give it to one of the other characters permanently, or have it added to Harry's repertoire, and then have him just stop using Ddraig at all.     

4. Is it time to have Lily call Rias Mum yet? Or should that wait a few more chapters despite how comfortable they both are with Rias in that role?

Anything Goes Game Changer:

This question isn't about anything in the story, rather it is about the story itself.  I have said for a while, hell I think since February, that I could see this story ending soonest of all my current stories.  But since then, it just hasn't been doing very well in the polls at all.  So would a lot of you have a problem with me removing the second option from the small story poll to concentrate on this story?  By that I mean I would automatically update Making Waves and AGGC until AGGC is done, with the polls only dealing with the large story per month, and the first place winner of the small story poll being #4 on my priorities per month. 

A Third Path:

1. This is more of a long term question than anything else.  I have been saying for a long while that while Harry and co. could smash any fleet that came their way, they couldn't both defend earth and take the battle to the Kree.  So I am wondering which other power they should ally with, the Skrull, or the Shi'ar.  (Essentially this question can be read as, which should be a sacrifice to Galactus, and which should be saved from him...)

2. Random question.  Harry's sort of moved past the point where the sword of Gryffindor has any meaning or can even really add much to his preferred style of combat, especially after this last power up moment.   So who should he give it to permanently:  Piotr or Steve Rogers?  

3, A semi-long term question.  Are weddings interesting/important enough for me to have to write out all four such?  Or should i just fully write out Jeans, then have Emma and Ororo's be far milder, barely touched on affairs before writing out Hela's?  I am... not looking forward to these scenes, if you can tell.

Making Waves:

1. What does everyone think about Seilah?  Are you happy with her inclusion, do you like the idea of her and Ranma getting together, and if not explain why and what you would like to see concerning her instead. 

2. Same sort of question for Juvia.  At the moment we have Ranma in a relationship with Erza, interested in Seilah and Jenny, while he just broke up with Bisca.  So, should Juvia join the mix?

3. How many people are interested in the characters of/conflict with Alvarez?  Personally, I think they were vastly overpowered and a sign of the author kind of losing steam/focus after the Grand Magic Games, but that is just me.




Making Waves- Erza and Jenny are enough (triad sounds good for this one) AGGC- Sounds like a good idea, i've been voting for it each time


This is part of the problem. I want to keep the number of main characters and ladies down, so i can concentrate on their growth and romance like I Have in AGGC and HftF. But frankly, beyond Erza I am having trouble deciding what girl(s) to include. Hence my wanting to know opinions on the characters here. It seems though it hasn't helped, since most people have told me to include both Seilah and Juvia LOL. Think it will fall to me to make that choice, darn it. Ah well, an Author's work is never done.


Reminder to myself to reply to this tmmrw.