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Okay, since I was unable to get a fourth story published I thought I would give you all a bit of a gift to you all. One Idea that I have had people continually bringing up to me via pm over on fanfic or here and review over there, is that people have wanted me to do a DC comics crossover. Now, for the most part I have been against this because I have major issues wit ha lot of the principle powers of that world. But those issues could be overcome or ignored if I felt my muse driving me as it did with A Third Path. So here we go. Mind you, most people ask me to do a HP/DC crossover ‘in the veins of megamatt09’s works’. Narrow eyed stare…

So to give the person who said that and then left a review stating that I could learn a thing or two about writing from megamatt09, I decided to write up a Ranma/DC crossover concept first. 

A Journey Gone Astray (obviously name subject to change)

Instead of just letting Ranma and Genma go after the older Saotome stole his yattai, Ukyo’s father both goes after them and informs the police, forcing Genma to run even faster than he would have otherwise and in a different direction, making for the shores of Hokkaido with the police in hot pursuit. During this time, Ranma realizes his father had stolen from his friend and leaves in a huff, only to run right into storm which forces him back to his father just as he is about to put to sea. While the two of them are trying to get to Honshu., the storm capsizes their boat, and the stormy sea whisks Ranma away from his father.  The next thing he knows, he’s waking up on a beach somewhere with a few older women poking him with spears and swords.  What follows is an adventure of his young life, the second friend he’s ever made, and then his leaving the island of the Amazons the same way he came, and this time with a bit of godly aid – Hera tells the Amazons the youngster has a fated future ahead of him he must fulfill.

Fast Forward, a Ranma who has taken his training far more seriously even then in canon and Akane are having a heart to heart. Akane has finally admitted she can’t handle his curse, and that finally frees Ranma from the honor obligation.  After that, he has to pay for his father one last time, a bill to be paid to the government of Japan who bought up many of his debts. With that, they can call on Ranma to do five tasks for them, short of murder and kidnapping. Three of them are easy, dealing with Japanese borne super villains/ The fourth sees him heading into the Amazon rain forest to help a series of archaeologists on an expedition. The second takes him to America to protect a business mogul meeting his opposite number in an American city, Gotham city to be precise…  

Things this Fic would include:

1. Timeskips: Yes, in this fic it would be a necessary evil. Kids can be fun for a bit, but not as main characters. And there are reasons to start merging the world at that young an age. Specifically at that age, boys and girls aren’t all that different, especially if they are all being trained in martial arts. But let’s face it, 18 year-olds have more fun LOL.

2. Inadvertent Genma bashing: Ranma will actually get along with his father okay so long as Genma no longer tries to make decisions for him. Other people though… well, when you say your childhood memories are shot to hell because of the number of concussions you’ve had and then mention about how your father trained you to a literal inhuman degree, people will start to jump to conclusions.

3. Seriously trained Ranma! Ranma will have trained to a degree that the Amazons are actually afraid of teaching him most of their techniques, and he will have picked up most of them on the fly. Ranma will also not be adverse to weapons as I’ve had him be in a few of my stories.

4. Pairings: Ranma/Kara (Supergirl)/Cassie Sandsmark (Wonder Girl) /Koirandr/possibly Diana (Wonder Woman)

a. Kara and Ranma will meet up soon after his adventure in Gotham. The two of them will hit it off due to the weird circumstances they meet for – “Are you telling me you sneezed and nearly beaned me with that tractor!?” 

b. Cassie – Cassie will be an old friend met once more. The two of them will get along with Cassie determined to make Ranma her friend again. She and Kara will have already met via Diana and will be best friends but also have a sort of rivalry going on. It will take them a while to realize their affection for one another is a bit deeper than they think, and matches what both start to feel toward Ranma.

c. Diana and Ranma will be…complicated. Made worse by miscommunications, lack of memory and of course the fact he’s gotten used to equating Amazon with kiss of death giving psychos and old women who like to treat his life like the best daytime drama. Whether or not she will become a big figure/motherly figure or a love interest is unknown

d. Kori and Ranma – this just makes a lot of sense because of the sheer amount of fun they would have palling around, seeing the sights and getting into fights. 

5. Snarky Ranma when it comes to heroes. Ranma will have issues with Heroes ranging from small complaints about all that spandex and just why 

a. Batman bashing - “Wait, so he’s killed how many dozens of people, and you think because he’s insane he deserves to just be locked away in an asylum that is more like a turnstile than an actual prison” – Batman in turn will not like Ranma at all for a number of reasons, including the fact the fact Ranma kills the Joker when he attacks the meeting between the business people he was protecting.

b. Ranma will in contrast actually get to know and like Superman, even though he will poke fun at him for a lot – why do you wear your underwear on the outside anyway being one of the first things Ranma says to the man of steel.

c. Ranma and the Justice League will be a mixed bag.

6. An ickle bit of mythology, specifically, the Greek and Japanese type. Ranma will go searching for a sword, and will be friends with the Amazons whether they like it or not, and will have severe issues with Ares. 

7. New Rivals. Does this come as a surprise? Orion – New Gods guy, Robin, Area, Superboy, and more. Ranma will be, well, Ranma and will rub guys and girls the wrong way at times.

8. Shazanma!!! – Ranma will have found the medallion or whatever it is that gives the power of Shazam. Mind you, he won’t actually like to use it all that often, or see the need most of the time. But when he wants it, it will provide a clear power up that will allow him to hang with the powerhouses of the Dc universe.

9. Justice Juniors – both the original comics version of the Teen Titans and the fact that I would be concentrating on the younger characters from DC. 

10. Screwed up timeline: I will mix and match events, when characters were introduced, when, well, anything and everything really. 

11. Focus on a few: While I will use numerous enemies and plots I wish to focus on just a few main characters, and FREAKING KEEP IT THAT WAY!!!!

12. Best Buds Beast Boy. Other than Robin, who he will both get along and fight with, Ranma and Beast Boy will be good friends perhaps the first actual guy-type friend Ranma has that doesn’t come with a rivalry attached.

13. Space faring Ranma. Ranma and the team around him will eventually be heading into space to deal with enemies there.

14. Forced to think – Ranma is, even as Shazam, not strong enough to just plow through enemies. He will have to eventually think up strategies tactics not just for himself but for those around him.

15. Emphasis on comedy rather than world building. While world building will happen I mean to keep the emphasis small and on Ranma and those around him. In this manner it will be a comedy and action oriented rather than like in ATP.

16.  Merged worlds: While the superpwered people would know about Nerima and its environs, and vice versa, since none of the JL make their home in Japan, it doesn't really register.  Ryoga and Cologne as well as Happy are known though, and Ranma made an impression on more than a few when he fought Saffron.

17.  Darksied's Dire Directives.  Darkseid is going to be the big time enemy of this piece and will be sending troops, pawns and disturbed individuals to Earth rather like clockwork for Ranma and co. to deal with.

18.  Population control:  Ranma, and eventually those with him, will realize that killing their opponents should be on the table if in the defense of other's lives.  This will mean the various villains out there will be culled.

19.  Shenanigans.  This Ranma will not be nearly as at home with the idea of being open about his curse, and will also be willing to use it as he did occasionally in canon - distraction, disguise, excuse anything and everything.  The only ones who will know Ranma has one is those he trusts or those who find out by chance.  Odd how the second one there can lead to the first at times.

Anyway, there you go guys and girls.  Hope some of you liked this thought exercise.  If I get enough interest, I may come up with an HP one.  So long as that daft asshole of a guest doesn't leave me another insulting review LOL. 

Be aware, I would not even think of taking this up until ATP is done.  I just don’t think I could juggle two comic-type fics at the same time.  


Steven Stirling

Good concept, will need some revision however. Shazam doesn't have an item, just a magic word. Black Adam did in the beginning however and there are more than a few power up items in the DCU. With 3rd Path coming up on 2 million words I admit I'm surprised your Marvel muse hasn't been reduced to ashes by now. A DC story may be what you need for your newer readers to refresh their pallet while trying to get through that monster.


I also find this entertaining. Something along the lines of Make a Wish or Terminal Velocity rather than ATP. As a final note though Vim, anyone that thinks MegaMatt09 has anything useful to teach you or any writer is obviously concussed and needs to see a doctor.