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And here is the large story poll. Yes, there are two HP choices here, sorry, but he really lends himself to world building, and I wanted to separate this month’s stories by size and frankly, getting both ATP and a large story out plus MW and a small story is just really freaking hard to do.  Again, remember that you can vote in both polls, four (4) votes per dollar you donate. My own votes this month will go to Magic of the Force, since I just updated Horse and ATP

Horse for the Force – Ranma/SW crossover: With Fay once more with them, the crew of the Wild Blade deal with attacks, missions, and, sadly, start the war everyone had feared was coming, with the Separatists coming out swinging, landing one hell of a haymaker. They then link up with still more old friends (Ranma: Or two old friends and a brat anyway) and then finally goes on the offensive. Sidious learns that even though he personally may be safe, that doesn’t mean the Sith can’t be hurt, as the Jedi face a threat within. Fay, with her new guardian Aayla added, much to her chagrin, to her entourage, and a personal ship too, goes in search of a face from a vision, finding a key to the future, but what kind of future it might be is still in doubt as an army is revealed and Ranma wonders if the Jedi honestly know the difference between serving the Force, and serving justice.

Magic of the Force - HP/SW crossover: Violence abounds, while Mace and Anakin make slavers realize that yes, they chose the wrong profession and many other Jedi are forced to face the facts that people are not really reasonable in mobs. Aayla and Zule play bumper hover-cars in an effort to save someone with big dreams and even bigger ideas.  Shaak Ti proves that just because you're a Consular does not mean you're less of a Jedi. At the same time, Harry proves that whatever the Sith have come up with from trying to replicate his techniques, he is the real deal, accept no substitutes., C'boath makes new 'friends', literally. Harry, Aayla and Padme meet in person for the first time, reconnecting further, and then head to Coruscant for many reasons, only to fall prey to Sidious's further machinations as he moves into the end game.

A third Path to the Future – HP/Marvel mashup crossover: War continues, as Jean finally gets a rest and Harry, freed at last of his own part in holding back the cold, goes on the offensive in a very big way, gets into some arguments, gets out into the field (Harry: Oh thank the gods!) makes new friends and plots the downfall of armies.  Russia learns that just because they have seven time zones does not, in fact make them the biggest fish in the pond. Conspiracies are unveiled as Reed shows that yes, big brains can change the world. Wars are concluded and Sinister learns that all his preparations might just not be enough, but the cost of stopping him might still be high. 

FWI, the mashup comment above was because someone asked at one point if I was following the comics or the movies, and since ATP started as a crossover between HP and X-men Evolution it just makes sense. 



Magic of the Force please