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Okay everybody, with my plan to update A Third Path to the Future in April, it is now time to decide what format the rest of my month's works will follow.  This is not a vote for a specific story, rather it is a vote to see what the size the other stories this coming month should be and the number of them you will see as well as the priority of them. 

Just so we're clear: small stories, 15,000 words to 20,000 or so.  Large stories will be 35,000 to 50,000 words.  Making Waves will be around 30,000 words.  ATP... no freaking clue.  Lets say another 40-55,000 words or so.

The choices are:

1.  One large story, one small story, with Making Waves being a possibility but low priority in comparison to the others. 

2.  Making Waves, One large story, one small story.   The Small story will have the lowest priority here, while I will work on planning Making Waves while I finalize ATP, with work on the large story starting immediately thereafter.

3.  One large story, two small stories.  The two small stories will be the two winners of the poll, which will include Making Waves.  But other than doing the same times 1.5 thing, I won't help it against the other choices.  The second place winner, whoever it is, will have the lowest priority.

4.  Three small stories plus Making Waves.  Here again, Making Waves will be low priority.

5.  Making Waves and three small stories.  Making Waves will be started as soon as possible after or during work on ATP, and the third place winner will be the story least likely to be updated.

6.  Four small stories, with Making Waves being one of the choices times 1.5, and the lowest scorer whatever it is being the one with low, end of the month scramble sort of priority.



Whichever of the above options gets sword horse and bow. ... option 6?