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I would like to thank everyone who voted on the Which HP story idea will reign supreme. I was very pleased with the amount of participation, though I lot of people put down more than one vote, thus splitting their votes. Odd that, but I tried to take it into account. If, however, your posts indicated you weren't certain you could vote for the first one – this happened quite a bit with Fate Touched, I put your full votes towards that. Let me say now that yes, Bring Back Fate Touched was indeed a choice. 

But again, let me say I really did like to see the participation. I love giving you, my fans a voice in what I write, and I hope that even if the story you wanted didn’t win, that you will enjoy my stories going forward.

Anyway, here are the results:

In last place, surprisingly, was Heroic Wizard, with only 75. Ouch. So we can safely say that story is now going to be placed on the back burner for a good long while. 

A Name to Conjure With brought in 186. Hmm… Enough interest to maybe bring around again at some point, perhaps enough to maybe remold as it were, but not enough to work on further.

Next Great Adventure 197. This was easily the one that had a kind of love it or hate it vibe, which I found fascinating to see. Once again, thank you for your participation.

Fate Touched 291. Huh. I’d hoped for more, but I suppose this is a decent showing. Just not enough to revive it, alas. 

Harry Sawyer brought in 459, a better showing than the previous interest in it had led me to assume. I think this was mainly because of the new format I used to describe it in better detail. This is definitely something to note heading into the future.

Different Kind of Magic 670. One of the two most popular choices, everyone seemed to like the idea of world building, and Take No Shit Potter, which I think is rather telling, and fun. 

Bhaal Son Remodel 783. The humor of the fic was the main draw, and possibly nostalgia/a need to see a decent fic in this fandom. Given my general combat scene brain drain, I am perfectly happy with the idea of concentrating on a more humorous fic.

So there you are. From now on, the Bhaal Son Remodel will be one of the small story or patron only poll choices.



The Effect of a Horse and a Dragon, was a good one indeed.

Stephen Foltz jr

I would love to see Effect of a Horse and a Dragon again. The Chaos Ranma and Herb cause is amazing in both good and bad ways. more good than bad though.