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In many of my stories we are entering pivotal arcs, arcs whose outcome(s) will impact the story for all time going forward.  Hence, I have yet another, albeit smaller, series of questions for you all.

1.  What is everyone's opinion on character deaths?  Characters who, in canon, might have been spared or lived through events that should rightly have killed them, or main characters who are no longer main characters thanks to the changes I've made.   I can't give specifics obviously, but it is a troubling question, so give me your thoughts on it.  Who should be safe, whose fate don't you care about, should i go there at all, would it add a level or realism?  Whatever your opinion is, lay it on me.

2. Small scale 'while X was happening ot the main character Y was happening elsewhere' scenes are coming up in Sword, Bow and Horse, and in the future Making Waves and GDWHOM.  Are the non-Ranma characters interesting enough that their adventures should take up screen time?  What too, is everyone's opinion on timeskips.  Personally I hate them beyond the month range, but they do serve a sort of purpose.

3.  I can see the end of the line of Anything Goes Game Changer in something like three or four chapters.  So, should I just remove the large story poll and concentrate on my small stories until it is finished and just throw my own votes behind it to make certain it wins one of the two/three spots every month?  Or Should I keep the current format.

4.  On the same sort of subject, how has everyone liked the two patron chapter concept?  Would everyone like to see that continue, that is two patron only content chapters per month, prioritizing Sword over the other stories that win the polls that month?  (i did say i'm sort of addicted to Ranma in a fantasy setting right? could have sworn I had LOL)

5. How much is too much lemon?  This is a serious FILFy question given what happened in chapter 11.  I am kind of on the fence about putting in more furry stuff, and am wondering what everyone things of my attempt at it.


Darth Bayes

1. It changes the tone of the story, and _should_ hugely impact characters, and readers. Sometimes that's absolutely good and necessary, sometimes it's not. You'll alienate readers if you kill off someone's waifu, or someone broadly popular, or someone unique enough that they're someone's favorite character, which is likely not a _necessary_ sacrifice. Probably avoid killing off attractive female characters, and any characters of whom much fanart gets made, though if you have enough trust from your readers (as you probably do), they'll stick with you even if they don't like what you do. 2. IMO, if the other characters are doing awesome things, particularly if they are awesomer than what they would be doing in canon, go for it. Timeskips can be done well, or done poorly. If you personally hate timeskips, then if you can find instances of timeskips you don't hate in other stories, use those as a basis for deciding when to do it yourself. 3. I'd say rush to the end iff you know exactly what you're going to write next (I assume you're going to use the opportunity of a fic ending to start another primary one). If you don't know, then keep talking and holding poles, and write whatever is most popular, and vote for whatever you most want to write (which could be AGGC). 4. Patreon-only stories are tough, as it makes patreon less appealing to those who dislike the current stories, but like your other stories; particularly because voting isn't possible on the patreon-only stories. Personally, I think access to the polls is plenty, and early access to some chapters would be an easy and broadly-appealing addition. Other things I'd love to see include something like a snippets thread, where you write the first chapter of a bunch of different possible fics, with or without any voting guidance (if that fits your writing process). 5. I'd say too _much_ lemon would be more than a third of the chapter (unless much serious plot happens), while too-lemony lemon is probably more based on your confidence in your own skills. Too-kinky lemon is a potential risk, but I haven't read the FILFy chapter to comment.

R Brown

1) Don't kill a character just for the sake of it, but don't shy away if it make sense in story. For example: You have a Boss and a Minion. The Boss is notorious for killing anyone that fails him. In canon, the Minion was always successful and thus safe. If the new storyline has the Minion failing, then don't push yourself to engineer a reason to keep him alive. 2) Yes. Short sections of another character or POV can be interesting. Timeskips are to be avoided if possible. 3) Depends on your muse. If your muse is really pushing the story forward and delaying it will hurt your ability to write, then yes. 4) Not sure. 5) Whatever level that you feel comfortable with.