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WARNING!!! Don't read this post if you haven't read the latest chapter:

So, I sort or realized going into it that not killing off Riser would raise some hackles and get some negative comments.  However I've been astonished and somewhat appalled by the amount of vitriol I've seen in several reviews that mentioned it.  I was wondering why everyone was reacting like that.  Is it so 'out of character' or 'appallingly soft-hearted' after what Riser tried, that Harry didn't kill Riser as he set out to?  Especially when you consider that doing so he would have killed Riser in front of his parents, older brother, and younger sister, who loved the asshole?  Am I just wrong here?

the hatred for how I'm treating Akeno is also ongoing.  I would like to know if people still like her character and the way I'm portraying her as well, and the idea of her and Tonks getting together, if only for a short time, which I hinted at in this last chapter.

I am also asking any of you who know anything about the Tuath De Denaan - the Irish pantheon to pm me.  I have some questions I need to figure out going forward, and talking to people who have already researched them or even come from Ireland would be better than just researching what can be found online.

EDIT 1/2 at 4:38:   I have to apologize to all my readers.  I had made changes to the version of the chapter Michael had seen then combined that version with the version that Nad Destroyer, who I use for overall feel and character interpretation.  When I erased several of his comments from the last section, and before that, I erased those changes as well.  I can only plead time and tiredness making me miss that.  Here are the major changes:

"Ravel however bypassed Sirzechs entirely.  She moved directly to Ranma and curtsied deeply, actually going down on one knee as she did. "Please sir, i know my brother has, has acted in a way that brings dishonor on hi and my family, but, but he is my brother!!  Please, punish him yes, but do not kill him like this."

This and the sight of Riser's parents pleading made Harry's ire cool somewhat, and he looked around.  His daughters were there, and while Lily's teeth were bared, Asia's were clamped in front of her, praying.  And if Harry knew his newest daughter she was praying for them both, despite Riser's recent act of insanity. Sighing, Harry shook his head.  "We'll see."  was all he said, before turning away."

"Harry had demanded this fight with the intent of killing Riser quickly and as overwhelmingly as possible. But Ravel's plea and the eyes of his daughter on him weighed heavily on Harry, and now looking at the panicked, fearful expression Riser wore, he couldn't do it."

GAH!!! I think I need to freaking cut off chapters now at, say the 50,000 word mark, regardless of leaving cliffhangers.



I am also kind of sad about akeno leaving harry. I think they might have have an interesting dynamic between them in the future. If her thing with tongs is brief please for love of all don't pair her with Issei


I had asked about a Issei/Akeno pairing and that does seem the consensus: that it wouldn't work for a variety of reasons. As for Tonks/Akeno, that's only a possibility. As for Akeno and Harry breaking up, who ever said it was permanent?


Since I'm only just seeing this now and it looks like you are still looking at the response here I'll throw in my opinion on Akeno (and Tonks). I think that while I would have loved to see Akeno with Harry (and the other women) because of the really unique dynamic she brings, I think it's actually better for everyone leaving her out of that pairing. I think her deliberate desire to cause pain clashes terribly with the others. There is a difference between rough, crazy sex like we see with Harry letting loose in this most recent chapter, and S&M type stuff that Akeno seems to be a fan of. That all being said, I really would love Tonks and Akeno exploring a relationship. Tonks' personality seems to mesh really well with Akeno and I could see them making quite the pairing, and a really fun one at that. The amount of teasing of each other that they can do would actually be hilarious to read. I also think the way you wrote Tonks I could almost see her needing to have someone (Akeno) come in and take control in the bedroom. I don't know, I really like the idea of that pairing.