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You ever have a few days where you feel like you're beating your head against a wall?  That was what I have felt the last four days.  I normally, when it comes to writing up a chapter, write up the combat scenes first, then any romantic moments, then world building.  This works for me most of the time, but when it came to FILFy this month, that backfired, and I had to put more and more of my free time and my thought process into it to force my muses to obey.  Argh.  Anyway, the chapter is nearly finished and will then be sent off to Michael for his beta work.  I will be posting it by New Years Eve, come hook or by crook LOL.

Anyway, now that my momentum there no longer needs me pushing it along so much, I can finally post the results of the small story.  I will also take this moment to say that I have noticed all your responses to the story ideas I posted and I really enjoyed reading them all.  I will reply to them on Christmas, that will be my gift to myself.  It will also tie into a few new questions I'll have for you all at that point.

Anyway onto the actual results.

IN First place, and thus winning priority going forward after FILFy is done, is...GDWHOM.  It brought in 1186 votes total.  Second place goes to Stallion, with 886 total votes.

In third place nipping at Stallion's heels was Fate Touched.  With fanfic and my own votes added in it brought in 875!!!! So freaking close.  

In a distant fourth was Semblance bringing in only 341 total votes.  Which is a pity, considering I think of all my fics it and Anything Goes Game Changer are the two fics I can bring to an end most quickly.  

Even Farther behind was Harry Sawyer.  It brought in a measly 98.  

So going forward after I have sent off FILFy GDHWOM will be a priority.  If I can finish it, which i think i can, I will work on Stallion.  I might not be able to get it posted by the end of the month, but if so, look for it at most two days after as a belated New Years present.



Nice to see that GDWHOM will get an update. I just stated another Ranma/DxD Fic with a bit Darkstalkers in it. I like it sofar. Here the link: <a href="https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13116521/1/Dance-With-the-Devil" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13116521/1/Dance-With-the-Devil</a> You should give it a try.^^


Nice one Niva. I am enjoying that one a lot. Thanks Vim for all the great content.