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Ugh.  Family, I love them, but damn if they don't demand a lot of time.  I'm losing nearly this entire weekend in terms of writing time, which is just bad.

Anyhoo, here is the poll for this month's small stories.  As previously stated this is a Ranma only poll, to both counterbalance ATP, and let me fully line up all my Harry muses and have them charge the gates for that story.  

The choices this month are:

Semblance of Hope -RWBY/Ranma Crossover: Blake gives a speech, Cinder receives orders and runs into issues, Ranma and JNPR have fun on the ocean, and Ranma proves that even if he ain't a fish, he's the biggest in the ocean, before having an actual romantic moment with Pyrrha of his own, albiet accidental, construction.

 Anything Goes Game Changer - Sekirei/Ranma crossover: A certain fire user comes to a horrifying realization, Kasumi FROWNS, Nabiki and Ranma go out on a date and Ranma learns that being interrupted on said is a trend before revenging himself on those responsible. Akitsu goes shopping alone with Uzume, while a Crow finds a Horse, with consequences aplenty. And blood. And destruction of MBI property. Did I mention blood? 

 Gods, Devils and Wild Horses, Oh My- Ranma/Highschool DxD crossover: Ranma runs into trouble, Gabriel runs into an ex-priest, Kiba and the exorcists have a fight, Ranma then has to deal with someone monologuing inside his head, before helping to dispense some justice, while Rias's parents have trouble on their end of things. 

 Stallion of the Line- Ranma/One Piece Crossover: the aftermath of the Knockup streams displeases the marines, but they can't do anything about it, forcing them to join forces with the pirates or be set adrift. A attacking barbarian gets schooled while Ranma and Robin flirt, much to the amusement and anger of Hina and Nami respectively who spot them. The crew explores, meet new people, Ranma's eyes turn into sparkles, Sanji actually gets somewhere with his flirting, as Nami accidently has an adventure on her own while Ranma explains yet again to people that 'pirate' means your rules do not apply, even your common sense. 



Gods, Devils and Wild Horses, Oh My