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First for those wondering, the SW poll will be closed this Saturday.

Besides that, there have been a few issues with the muse this past month.  Initially I had wanted to start communicating with Mordreek with a revamped, condensed and redesigned outline for the next ATP chapter, one that took out portions dealing with the Asatru and the Asgardians, which would let him edit the remaining portions more easily (which, given Hela is a main character would still not be a small thing).  However, when it came to it, I instead wound up writing out entire sections of the chapter and not outlining any of the rest, mainly world building on the sci-fi and politics ends of things and one Illyana adventure.  My muse, it blindsided me there.  However that, and the fact I could see what stories would win the poll a week before I closed it, made me realize i could not get the next chapter of ATP out and do it justice by the end of the month.  Instead, I will shoot for getting it out on Thanksgiving.

As I know that it will still take a lot of my time next month, I  want to cut down on the number of stories I will work on in that month to make up for this.   So I decided to put it to all of you:  What would you like to see next month: Two small stories, or one SW crossover story? 

Note: this is NOT a vote just yet for a specific story.  This is instead a poll to see which variety of story will be up for voting in November.  I will update the two winners of the small story poll, OR the winner of the SW poll for November along with ATP and Making Waves next month.  I will close this poll next Saturday.



small stories


star wars story please