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This is the finish it poll, the stories I feel I could actually finish within the next year or so, if they get updated regularly. My reasons for this vary, and will be explained below each choice.

Anything Goes Game Changer - Sekirei/Ranma crossover: A certain fire user comes to a horrifying realization, Kasumi FROWNS, Nabiki and Ranma go out on a date and Ranma learns that being interrupted on said is a trend before revenging himself on those responsible. Akitsu goes shopping alone with Uzume, while a Crow finds a Horse, with consequences aplenty. And blood. And destruction of MBI property. Did I mention blood?

{Here I am not going to try to play with the whole Ranma 'plot' if you can call it that. Instead I will follow the Sekirei Plan for a time, but soon enough Ranma's presence will make that untenable, and Minaka will be forced to change tactics. Once that occurs, the fic will move into it's conclusion phase. This isn't going to be a 'fix-it-all' fic, rather it will simply deal with shutting down the Plan, and leave it open ended what the characters do after that.}

Gods, Devils and Wild Horses, Oh My- Ranma/Highschool DxD crossover: Ranma runs into trouble, Gabriel runs into an ex-priest, Kiba and the exorcists have a fight, Ranma then has to deal with someone monologuing inside his head, before helping to dispense some justice, while Rias's parents have trouble on their end of things.

{Again this is not going to be a full 'fix-it-all' fic, but in this case I think it would be merely on hiatus, or make it part one of a series of stories. The goal of this story would be to get to right after the in-fic equivalent of the peace talks and the consequences there, then a few other Ranma specific events before adding to black.}

A Semblance of Hope- RWBY/Ranma crossover: Yang rescuing Pyrrha in a very Yangish manner from the horror of public speaking as Ranma chases someone across the rooftops before punching the mayor's house (Oops), Ozpin and Ranma argue about secrets and the need for said, Blake takes Pyrrha's place in front of the cameras, with Nora standing menacingly behind them to make certain everything goes out live. Then Team RWBY move back to Beacon with the prisoners and guards, while Ranma takes to the ocean with team JNPR.

{This is sort of the same as Game Changer: once the wheels start coming off the big baddies plans, the conflict will slowly reshape and then resolve itself in relatively short order. Again this story wasn't designed to be a fix-it-all. The big point would be the characters still being alive, the good guy's particular idiocy being pointed out, the big baddie dealt with, and Ranma and whoever he gets with riding out into the sunset, metaphorically speaking.}



Anything Goes


semblance of hope plz