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Happy Hump Day guys and gals. It is time to close the second of July's three polls down.

Death's Avenger is done (only around 27,000 words this time LOL) and I have sent it off to Tomon.

And now, the results:  

Because of one of my bigger Ranma fans and the carry over effect, the winner, ASTONISHINGLY is Effect of the Horse and a Dragon. Seriously, I thought it would have no chance, but my biggest Ranma fan voted for it, and the 419 votes weren't honestly necessary.

The results in detail are:  

Stallion of the Line, 1,900 votes with 44 coming from fanfic.

Effect of a Horse and a Dragon brought in 35 votes from fanfic, and a total this month of 1,931. With the quarter carryover effect of 419, the total then becomes 2,350. It took a close victory and made it overwhelming.

I am honestly astonished by this guys. It's gratifying, but also weird. Yet at the same time, it will mean that Tomon won't need to rush his review of DA, and will, when (yes, it's a certainty I believe LOL) Stallion wins next month, he will be able to do the same then.

With that all said, look forward to some Ranma in the ME universe fun. It also means that I should be able to finish the chapter by the 15th or so. We'll see how Sunday goes. But that in turn means I should be able to start on the winner of the ravaged fandoms poll quicker, and then get on Making Waves faster too.

I will also be posting later tonight the Patron Poll for August. That way, I can end the poll the first day of August and get right on the winner. I think i will need that as it will be FILFy's turn to be updated again LOL.



Arkos Sloth

Something I voted for actually won? So this is where all my Azur Lane luck went.


bwahahaha. I've got the opposite problem lol. I got really lucky with some rolls in FGO and the story I voted for lost lmfao