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Patron Only Poll June2024

  • Heroes of the High Seas - romance, character interaction, comedy, action, sailing, pirates being pirates, heroes having no luck(?) 89
  • Climbing Together – action, violence, comedy, romance, Ranma getting his head kicked in, Mai getting an idea shoved into hers 93
  • King of champions – comedy, character interaction, drama, deep discussions, action, romance, espionage, Harry and Ozpin dueling with words. 188
  • 2024-05-28
  • —2024-06-10
  • 370 votes
{'title': 'Patron Only Poll June2024', 'choices': [{'text': 'Heroes of the High Seas - romance, character interaction, comedy, action, sailing, pirates being pirates, heroes having no luck(?)', 'votes': 89}, {'text': 'Climbing Together – action, violence, comedy, romance, Ranma getting his head kicked in, Mai getting an idea shoved into hers', 'votes': 93}, {'text': 'King of champions – comedy, character interaction, drama, deep discussions, action, romance, espionage, Harry and Ozpin dueling with words.', 'votes': 188}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 10, 15, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 28, 14, 55, 30, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 370}


Howdy all.  So, I have finally begun work on MW.  It will be crunched a bit – I’ll remove some romance moments, shrink the Erza segment – but it will be out… late Friday. Like, midnight.  But yeah, it will be out, which ‘proves’ for a given value that I can work on four stories a month.  So this coming month I will split the work on the FILFy chapter in half… or maybe try to knock it out before the tenth.  I won’t be able to work during the weekend of Father’s Day, but hopefully two days won’t matter.

Anyway, here is the Patron Only Poll.  The Ranma poll will be up tomorrow, and the HP poll either then or the next day. 

And because it gives this poll three choices, Heroes is Here.  Yes, folks. I am putting it up against ONE choice from each of my normal fandoms.  Let us see what happens.



Heroes of the High Seas – My Hero Academia/One Piece crossover: Time out at sea proves dangerous in various ways, as the Grand Line tries its best to kill them and living on a ship with so many good-looking women tries to kill Izuku and the boys in various ways. The first of which way proves to be sleeplessness as Momo and Izuku talk the night away right before the ship is attacked by water monkeys and then venomous flying fish.  Izuku’s dreams continue to be weird, while Mei and Melissa argue with the rest of the crew as to what is allowed or not both in terms of weapons and in terms of propulsion.  Regardless, the group arrive at an island, where they start to learn that the idea of law and order in this world varies wildly between one island and the next. When Iida and Kirishima trying to act as heroes gets them noticed while Izuku and Melissa’s comments get them a very odd meeting with a passing archeologist. Unfortunately, the pair then return to find the ship under attack by the rest of the pirates around the place, putting the group in a life or death struggle when their hardest hitter is still dealing with injuries from his last fight.  This calls for what heroes would call out of the box thinking…


Climbing Together – Ranma/StreetFighter/KoF crossover: Ranma proves suspiciously adept at finding the underground fight scene, whereupon he and Ryu get to see one another in action while Mai and Shampoo fight (literally) for equality of the sexes.  Meanwhile, Ken makes some wagers, followed by Shampoo needing to beat a creep.  Elsewhere, their new acquaintance gets into some trouble, only to be helped by the mightiest thighs in all of China.  Mai and Ranma accidentally have a moment while Ryu has a fight in the ring this time. Eventually after several such, Ranma finds that the local criminal boss they are here to find dirt on is very much a hands on fellow.  While the others search, Ken takes pictures of various locals and Ryu finds a new martial art he wants to learn.  Shampoo and Mai deal with bodyguards who really aren’t before calling in Chun Li, only too late for many of Ranma’s bones. After the worst beating of his life against a man who is all instinct, no style, Ranma has an epiphany, while Chun Li finds far more evidence than she needed, Mai has a revelation, and Shampoo agrees to become a stunt actress.


King of Champions – HP/RWBY crossover:  A meeting of two very different types of wizards occur, as Oz, armed with what he sees as facts and knowledge of the world before Remnant tries to figure out both Harry’s long term goals, his powers, and the strings needed to bring Harry into his inner circle. Harry in turn decides to muddy the waters a bit, and analyze Ozpin in turn, coming away with a opinion about Ozpin just as jaundiced as Oz’s own opinion on the general trustworthiness of humanity. Harry leaves unhappy while Ozpin stays, confused and very wary now, wondering if Harry is indeed a unwitting pawn of Salem because he cannot recognize truth that is beyond his world view. Elsewhere, drama has occurred within Team RWBY despite Harry and everyone else’s best efforts. This leads RWBY, Ren and Nora into a small adventure before Harry returns, unaware of what is going on, and calling a certain someone, which may or may not cause issues because other people are listening in, both in Atlas and elsewhere. The next day plans are made and a date derailed to Arturia’s displeasure, which she shares with everyone possible, resulting in an very interesting meeting.


This poll will go to the Tenth. And yes, I did remember to hit the allow multiple choice this time.  That too can tell me something.


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