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How do, everybody. Climbing Together is done and off to Hiryo for editing. FILFy is still in the hands of one of it's editors, but I think he'll have it back to me by the end of the week, and that will give me a few days to go over it.

Thus it is now time to end the Ranma-only poll. And yet again, the Carry over effect is the final arbiter. I am going to need to either cut it down to a fourth or just get rid of it from now on. Because having a 1000 or more extra votes is just too much to overcome. I like how it keeps the stories all updating, but even so...

Anyway, because it was updated back in January instead of February, the winner is Effect of a Horse and a Dragon, with 1,006 votes from the carry over effect and 2,040 votes for the month, giving it 3,046 votes in total.

In second place, GDWHOM brought in 2,266. A great showing, which should have won without the Carry-over effect, but would have lost even if I had decided to cut down the carry-over effect to a fourth as I mentioned above. Just not as much.

So my sci-fi fans will get a new chapter of Effect, and we get to see an example of the phrase 'catch a tiger by the tail'.


Travis G

Please leave the carry-over as it currently is. Some of the less popular ones are the majority of ones I read and, if you do away with it, then I'll have no hope of reading most of the stories I like. This month I like two, GDWHOM & Effect, so I had high hopes one of them would win and it did. As it currently stands I've only had to go a couple of months at most waiting for an update to a story I read, but if you nerf or do away with the carry-over they'll have no hope of winning. If you get rid of the carry-over then please just work on all of the stories in a rotation. As shown here, you still had over 2k votes, a close second without carry-over, wanting to see an update to Effect and would be disappointed if it never got updated again because other things keep winning all of the time.